Challenges Of Localizing Ethiopian Hotels During Global Crisis Of Covid-19 Local Customrs Perception On Accessibility And Affordability

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The tourism industry is extensive and growing; among those hospitality sector is the one andrnleading the world economy. Despite the fact that the hotel sector playsa significant role inrneconomic growth as well as development, it also faces challenges and shortage of customersrnduring crisis periods. To minimize the crisis the hoteliers must have alternative strategies likernpreparing services which afforded by local customers and increase them. In the context ofrnEthiopia, studies are not conducted to examine the nexus between local customers’ affordabilityrnand accessibility towards three, four and five star-rated hotels and hotel industry development.rnTherefore, this research was aimed to assess the perception of local customers’ on accessibilityrnand affordability towards four and five star-rated hotels during Covid-19 related crisis in AddisrnAbaba by using descriptive survey research design. Primary quantitative and qualitative datarnwas collected through questionnaires; interview and observation and non-probabilityrn(Purposive) and convenience sampling method were applied. Qualitative data were analyzedrnthrough descriptive statistics, whereas qualitative data were analyzed via thematic analysis.rnFinding indicates that three, four and five star- rated hotels business in Addis Ababa are onernsided; focused on international tourists; hoteliers lost international tourists due to Covid-19rncrisis; local customers are not hoteliers’ target; local customers’ accessibility is highlyrninfluenced by perception, price and protocol unaffordability; most of three, four and five starrated hotels’ services are not affordable to local customers. However, unaffordable services ofrnthree, four and five star-rated hotel; local customers low level of income and perception; lack ofrngovernment support to hoteliers; absence of hotels’ and government regulation were the criticalrnbarriers to lack of local customers’ accessibility and affordability of hotel services. Therefore,rnusing local customers as alternative market for star-rated hotels in Addis Ababa are still at therninfant stage. Five, four and three star-rated hotels tried to invite few local customers temporarilyrnduring covid-19 crisis but not as sustainable alternative. Finally, recommendations werernprovided for hotel managers and owners, government, and other concerned bodies to enhancernlocal customers’ perception, accessibility and affordability of four and five star rated hotels.

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Challenges Of Localizing Ethiopian Hotels During Global Crisis Of Covid-19 Local Customrs Perception On Accessibility And Affordability