Private Vehicle Owners Willingness To Pay For Outdoor Clean Air In Addis Ababa

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Vehicular transport is one of the major sources of air pollution in the transport sector.rnVehicular emission results in to the death of millions of premature deaths. The ambient airrnpollution induced by the transport sector causes a serious health problems, recent evidencesrnfocusing on respiratory and cardiovascular effects were associated with exposure to shortrnterm or long term exposure to air pollution. To this effect, this study is mainly intended torndetermine WTP of private vehicle owners’ that have a contribution to the problems.rnFurthermore, it elaborates the amount there are willing to pay to induce a dedicated fundrnin mitigating the problem to improve the quality of air and make livable. The research hasrnadopted a stated preference method where the value of use and nonuse of natural goods isrndetermined through CVM. Thus, an open ended pretest survey was conducted to determinernthe initial bid. Then, the final survey has adopted a closed ended questionnaire type. Thernanalysis part was adopted to use a probit and Tobit regression model. Subsequently, thernresult shows that level of education has positive sign significant effect, while respondentsrnnumber of years lived in Addis Ababa and vehicle service year have negative sign andrnsignificant effect. The research was able to draw Mean Willingness to Pay (MWTP) whichrnhas a value of 17.10 ETB per month and the aggregate WTP has a value of 2,874,294.5 ETBrnper year. To this end, this study can serve as an indicator to the planners and policy makers’rneffort taken to cut vehicular emission. The study reveal that private vehicle owners werernwilling to participate in any action taken to reduce the ambient air pollution emerges fromrntheir car. This study tried to promote the implementation and efficiency of the existingrnpollution regulation. If the liability with regard to air pollution comes to a single privaternvehicle owners, and policies are derived on the subject, this study can serve as an indicatorrnand the milestones raised on this study can be taken in to account for further studies. Finally,rnthis research reveal private vehicle owners were interested to support both the presentedrnair pollution reduction principles and financial contribution in widening public engagementrnin the prevention process

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Private Vehicle Owners Willingness To Pay For Outdoor Clean Air In Addis Ababa