Model Based Design Of Hawt And Its Control System Under Simulink Environment

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This project addresses the model based design of a horizontal axis wind turbinernsimulation using MATLAB/Simulink. Wind turbine consists of different subsystems thatrnuse different technologies. Usually different teams develop each subsystem in separaternenvironments, integrate and test it after developing a prototype.rnThis project, however, starts with specifications and requirement of the model to modelrnthe wholes system, integrate the system and test it in single environment before arnprototype is developed.rnIn order to analyze the dynamic and/or steady state behavior of a wind turbine, the basicrncomponents of a wind turbine are structured in several libraries. Mechanicalrncomponents, electrical machinery, power converters, common models, transformers,rnmeasurements and control, for studying the whole system and the effect of the change ofrnone of the wind turbine components in the wind turbine efficiency are presented.rnBasic blade geometry, force and moment equation of the wind turbine model componentrnare presented as embedded system in the model. Each equation of the control systemrnconverted into block diagram for integrating with Simulink environment for each controlrnsystem of the model compensator design optimization is done. The NACA four-digitrnairfoil profile generated based on the recommended analytical equations of NACArnaerodynamics blade profile. The profile is changed into MATLAB code to BE embeddedrnin Simulink environment.rn3D animations of wind turbine and its component models are developed to show itsrnmotion and response for the various operating condition of the system.rnA graphical user interface (GUI) is built which makes any user of this model to test thernpower output and the various operating condition for the data of selected site that a userrnwants. For each control system of the model compensator design optimization is done.rnResults of the system simulation are presented in graphical form suitable for systemrnperformance determination. From the power output, pitch actuator force, pitch actuatorrntorque, Yaw actuator torque and wind turbine parameters, the useful energy and powerrnoutput are determined.

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Model Based Design Of Hawt And Its Control System Under Simulink Environment