Integration Of Fenton Oxidation And Biological Process With Sequencing Batch Reactor For The Treatment Of Textile Wastewater

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study was mainly aimed to investigate the treatment efficiency of the integrated system ofrnbiological oxidation and homo catalytic advanced oxidation process for the treatment of textilernwastewater. Mineralization of a methyl orange dyes using artificial solar Fenton oxidation,rndegradation of a Basic Blue 41 dyes and real textile waste water with conventional Fentonrnoxidation were examined at laboratory scale in batch experiments using Box–Behnken statisticalrnexperiment design. Dyestuff, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ferrous ion dose (Fe2+)rnconcentrations were selected as potential independent factors for simulated dye aqueous solutionsrnwhile for real wastewater Fenton reagents (H2O2 and Fe2+ ) and pH were selected as independentrnpotential factors. Besides, color and total organic carbon (TOC) removal were measured asrndesired response functions for artificial solar Fenton oxidation while color and chemical oxygenrndemand (COD) were selected as desired response for conventional Fenton oxidation processes.rnThe total time of irradiation used in the case of artificial solar Fenton oxidation for all thernexperimental runs were 20 minutes while the total reaction time for conventional Fentonrnoxidation processes was 1hour. Perturbation plots showed that iron dosage was the key processrnfactor on the responses for both solar and conventional Fenton processes. At constant dye stuffrndose, color, TOC and COD removal increased with increasing H2O2 and Fe2+ concentrations uprnto a certain level. High concentrations of H2O2 and Fe2+ for a constant dye stuff dose did notrnresult in better removal of color ,TOC and COD. The optimum ratio of Fe2+ / H2O2 /dyestuffrnwhich gives a complete color removal and 96% TOC removal for the highest level of dye dosernfor artificial solar Fenton was found to be 72 /1386 / 255 (mg/L). In this regard, Percent colorrnremoval was higher than TOC removal. During degradation of Basic Blue 41 dye, the optimum ratio of H2O2/Fe2+/dyestuff which givesrna complete color removal and 95% COD removal was found to be 1195mg/L /90mg/L /255mg/Lrnwhile in the case of real wastewater degradation, the optimum ratio of that gives 87% colorrnremoval and 79% COD removal were Fe2+/H2O2/pH (500.4mg/L/5187.6mg/L/2.9). In this regard,,rnFenton oxidation using optimum Fenton reagents at a pH of 2.9 is effective for the treatment ofrnacrylic fiber processing textile wastewater.rnSubsequently, real textile wastewater was taken and treated with a sequencing batch reactor (SBR)rnusing a biomass taken from domestic wastewater treatment plant. Cycle period, air flowrate andrnsludge retention time (SRT) were initially optimized using the response surface methodologyrn(RSM). The optimum ratio of cycle period/ air flowrate/SRT which indicated 57% COD removalrnand 54% color removal was found to be 25 h /15L/h /16d. Two types of wastewater substraternconcentrations and various hydraulic retention time (HRT) were used at optimized conditions.rnCOD removal, color removal, sludge volume index (SVI) and mixed liquor suspended solidrn(MLSS) were measured. The maximum COD removal (73%) and color removal (65.8%) werernobtained at an organic loading rate of 0.078 kg COD/m3d. SVI at the optimized condition wasrnfound to be 90-92 mL/g. A first order kinetic model was used to represent the degradation of textilernwastewater.rnFinally, the removal of COD and color studied on a real textile wastewater using a singlernstage of Fenton oxidation, (SBR) and also with the combination of SBR with Fentonrnoxidation. Optimum amount of chemical reagents and SBR process factors were used. Therneffluent obtained from SBR at steady state conditions indicated a maximum COD and colorrnremoval of 74.1% and 64.6% respectively. The effluent obtained from Fenton followed byrnSBR (Fenton +SBR) at steady state conditions indicated a maximum COD and color removal efficiency of 86.3% and 84% respectively. while SBR followed by Fenton (SBR+ Fenton)rnfor three Fenton oxidation experimental runs indicated a maximum COD and color removalrnof 80.2% and 73.6% respectively

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Integration Of Fenton Oxidation And Biological Process With Sequencing Batch Reactor For The Treatment Of Textile Wastewater