Water Supply Sanitation And Hygiene (wash) In Jigjiga Town Status And Trends Associated Factors And Opportunities

Environmental And Development Studies Project Topics

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Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) are vital to human health and wellbeing. Manyrndeveloping countries, like Ethiopia, face many challenges in achieving improved waterrnsupply, improved sanitation and proper hygiene practices. This study examined thernassociated factors and opportunities of Water Supply and Sanitation as well as thernbehavior of the people towards hygiene practices use in Jigjiga. The study design wasrnmixed with using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Questionnaire, keyrninformant interview and observations were the main data collection tools. The datarncollected were analyzed through both descriptive and inferential analysis techniques;rnmean, standard deviation, multiple regressions, Pearson‟s correlation and so on. Thernstudy found that political factors are more significant than socio-economic factors inrnimproved water supply and sanitation. To overcome the challenges of water supply andrnsanitation, results revealed that privatizing part of the operation and management wouldrnbe a massive opportunity. Furthermore, the behavior of people towards hygiene practicesrnuse is associated with the attitude, perceived behavioral control and intention variablesrn(r= .478, .551, .497 respectively, with p< 0.01). Finally, the study recommendsrnencouraging private sectors‟ involvement in water supply and sanitation, raisingrnawareness programs on efficient use of water and the important of hygiene. It alsornsuggests a further research about the importance of ecological and environmental factorsrnin improved water supply and sanitation.

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Water Supply Sanitation And Hygiene (wash) In Jigjiga Town Status And Trends Associated Factors And Opportunities