Assessment Of Industrial Park Effluent Quality And Its Impacts On Surface Water A Case Study Of Awash Up Stream Koka Sub Basin Ethiopia

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Industrial waste contamination of natural water bodies has the emerged challenge in land water bodies which waste entering these water bodies in both liquid and solid forms. As a result water bodies which are major receptacles of treated and untreated or partially treated industrial waste have highly polluted. The objective of thisstudy is to assessof industrial wastewater treatment (effluent quality) and its impact on surface water quality of Awash up Stream Koka Sub Basin by analyzing some physicochemical characteristics of the water carried out data primary and secondary on varies effluent treatment plant of industrial park. In selected industrial park take a sample from the out let of waste water in the effluent treatment plant with in 2000ml polyether plastic bottle physicochemical parameterthe water quality criteria standards were used to interpret water quality characterization. The industrial park assessment result showed that the concentration of phosphate in sampling factory in the Eastern industry zone and Abyssinia leather industry some number near to limitsfrom the laboratory result 450 mg/l range thus result recorded in the Easter industrial zone only. The result showed that Walia has the highest EC (3240±4 mg/l) followed by Abyssinia tannery, BGIand Eastern Industrial zone with EC value of 2170±2, 1038±2 and 1904±4 mg/l, respectively. The maximum Cr6+all the analyzed samples have high concentration in Eastern industry zone and Abyssinia tannery has 0.23±0.11 and 0.14±0.01 mg/l, respectively.The concentration of phosphate in the both season shows a high variation the dry season samples result shows result shows us a maximum reading was at Great Akaki river with a concentration 14.5 mg/l and a minimum value was 0.11 mg/l at Legedadi initial river but wet season the maximum value was at little Akaki river 3.1mg/l the minimum 0.12 mg/l at Geferssariver. The sampling stations the dry season BOD5 values were found to be in the range 27mg/l at Geferssa River to 121 mg/l at Great akaki river stations and wet season were found the result. The main threat from different catchment to the urban river water quality is environmental pollution from industries. Due to checking of selected industry and stream rivers dry and wet season along the industrial use show the level of some chemical and physical constituents are higher than the maximum permissible limit of Ethiopia and who standards .

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Assessment Of Industrial Park Effluent Quality And Its Impacts On Surface Water A Case Study Of Awash Up Stream Koka Sub Basin Ethiopia