Urban Dwellers Attitude And Management Practice Towards Tree Planting In Wolkite Town Guraghe Zone South Nations Nationalities People Regional State

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Understanding people’s attitudes and the current management practices towards tree plantingrnis crucial in advancing the goal of urban greening. This study was conducted to assess thernattitudes and management practices of tree planting among Wolkite residents. A mixed methodsrnapproach employed to collect and analyze the data that was generated through questionnaires,rnsemi-structured interviews and focus group discussion. A total of 96 households selectedrnthrough stratified random sampling technique participated in the survey. Furthermore, thernresearch included three interviews for staff members of Wolkite municipality sanitation andrnbeautification department. The data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively usingrndescriptive statistics including frequency, percentages and graph. The results indicated thatrnpositive attitudes towards tree planting and retaining within respondent’s gardens. Somernrespondents had negative attitudes towards tree planting owing to suspected damage onrnbuilding and blocking light and fear of allergies. Some 69 (72%) of the total respondentsrnshowed willingness to participate in tree planting programs created by the municipality inrnpublic spaces. The study also revealed low level of households’ satisfaction with respect tornmunicipal’s tree planting and management practices. The three most prominent barriers to treernplanting in private spaces were limited knowledge about which species are suitable for plantingrn86 (90%), limited space in people’s yards 77 (80%) and lack of water 7 (7%). Therefore, thernrecommendations, accordingly made in this thesis, include, amongst others, awareness raising,rnformulation and enforcement of regulatory system and participation of residents towards treernplanting and management

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Urban Dwellers Attitude And Management Practice Towards Tree Planting In Wolkite Town Guraghe Zone South Nations Nationalities People Regional State