Impact Of The Open Dump Landfill- Koshe - On Soil And Water Alternative Site For Landfill And Strategies For Waste Recovery In Addis Ababa.

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Addis Ababa, the capital and the largest dominant political and economic city of Ethiopia, grows inrnhaphazard nature resulting problems in managing solid waste that is generated from households,rncommercial and industrial sources.rnThe only open dump landfill commonly known as koshe has been giving service for the whole ofrnthe city of Addis Ababa since 1964. The accumulated waste from koshe would have impact on thernsurrounding human and physical environment since it had not been properly designed. In the yearsrnto come, the issue of waste disposal will become more complex due to the high rate of growth of therncity's population.rnThe present study assesses the impact of the solid waste disposed at koshe on the surrounding soilrnand water, and suggests alternative sanitary landfill site(s) and waste conversion and recoveryrnapproach. The research is experimental study. Physical, chemical and microbiological parameters arernused to study the impact of the solid waste dumped in koshe on soil and water. Purposeful randomrnsampling is used to sample leachate, soil, surface and groundwater. The soil is analyzed for the heavyrnmetal content whereas the leachate, surface water and groundwater are analyzed for their physical,rnchemical and microbiological parameters. Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques are alsornused to select an alternative waste disposal site for the city based on the available criteria.rnUpon comparison of the leachate samples taken from koshe with typical leachate concentration itrnwas discovered that the amount of BOO, chloride and sulfate found in the former was much greaterrnthan a typical leachate concentration showing that the koshe leachate is composed of concentratedrnpollutants than what a typical leachate is expected to have. Therefore, the leachate that is produced inrnkoshe has high potential of polluting the surrounding soil, surface and groundwater.rnIt has been found that the amounts of cobalt, nickel and zinc have passed the permissible limit Inrnsoil, copper is approaching the permissible limit however lead is much lesser. The mount of cobalt,rncopper, zinc and lead are lesser in the control sample but nickel is higher.rnFrom the physical and chemical parameters considered for surface water samples from a small riverrnthat passes adjacent to koshe, it has been found that the concentration of all the parametersrnconsidered increased in the samples after it passes koshe than before it reaches koshe. This showsrnthat the waste and the leachate produced in koshe is polluting the river that passes adjacent tornkoshe.rnIt has been found that except for the microbiological parameters considered, total Coliform and E.rnColi, in the sample from the nearest well, all the parameters considered for both samples are belowrnWHO standard for drinking water. The presence of total Coliform and E. Coli in the groundwaterrnnearer to koshe makes the water unsuitable for dirking. This might show that the solid waste that isrndumped at koshe contributing to the higher amount of bacteria in the groundwater near koshe.rnThese findings suggest that the landfill tend to cause increasing amount of pollution of soil, surfacernand groundwater in the immediate surrounding. Furthermore, it was observed that that the koshernhas grown full beyond its capacity and the poor management of the open dump landfill has reducedrnthe aesthetic value of the surrounding. It follows that the existing open dump landfill should bernrelocated.rnThere are four sites that are proposed for a landfill on the master plan. Nevertheless, some of thesernsites are in near proximity to either streams or rivers and have the potential to pollute thernsurrounding water. Therefore, using GIS tool, different sites that are suitable to construct securedrnsanitary landfill are suggested. The study suggests that the existing open dump landfill can bernconverted to agricultural land, game park, grazing land, playing fields (football, golf, etc) or can be arnrecreational site with appropriate rehabilitation.rnAs a method of waste differentiation, the study suggests use of waste bins with different colors forrncompostable, recyclable, reusable, hazardous and other types of wastes. These waste bins could bernmade available throughout the city and different institutions and households should make proper usernof the containers. A secure sanitary landfill could be constructed to dump non-recyclable andrnhazardous wastes. The study suggests that this arrangement shall minimize waste that could reachrnlandfills and conduce to recovering waste.

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Impact Of The Open Dump Landfill- Koshe - On Soil And Water Alternative Site For Landfill And Strategies For Waste Recovery In Addis Ababa.