Asssessing The Challenges Of Urban Solid Waste Collectors Performance In Four Selected Sub-cities Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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In most of the developing countries, it is common to observe, solid wastes uncollected simply dumped inrnopen areas, road sides, river courses, gullies, the disposal method that the town used is also openrndumping type which widely practiced in the sub-cities which has hazardous effect on health and thernenvironment. The main purpose of this study is to know assessing the challenges of solid wasterncollection practice on the selected four subs-cities of Addis Ababa. In this study, survey researchrnstrategy was applied using structure questionnaires, the primary data collected from 55 sample solidrnwaste collecting enterprises selected purposively from the study areas. Data collection tools likernquestionnaires, key informant- interview and observation were arranged with solid waste enterprises,rnsub-cities solid waste disposal administrator and team leaders to generate additional information. Thernfinding revealed that Socio-economic characteristics such as (sex, age, educational level, income andrnwork experience), Socio-economic factors such as (access to collectors, inadequate service coverage,rnoperational insufficiency), solid waste disposal mechanisms (open burning, open dumping, incineratorrnmechanism) were significantly influence effective collections on’ solid waste disposal practices in thernstudy sub-cities. Similarly, short term Training, sex of collector’s group chairperson, educationalrnattainment of the collections group chairperson and collection frequency of solid waste collectors werernrecognized as factors affecting effective solid waste collection performance. Based on the multinomialrnlogit regression model factors contributed solid waste collection performance for the improvement ofrnenvironmental cleaning was determined a significant impact on dependent or outcome variable. Thesernthe likelihood ratio chi-square test to test whether there is a significant improvement in fit of the finalrnmodel relative to the intercept only model. In this case, we see a significance improvement in fit of thernfinal model over the null model (x2(4) =72.992, P=.000) (see table 4.14-4.16).This indicates that eachrnindependent variable can play a significant role in shaping effective solid waste collection forrnenvironmental cleaning. Therefore, the study recommended that municipal administration has tornencourage the residents on effective ways to solid waste disposal practice; extend collectors’ awarenessrnwith provision of training and provide more solid waste collection facilities and equipment of therncollectors would be changed.

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Asssessing The Challenges Of Urban Solid Waste Collectors Performance In Four Selected Sub-cities Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia