Backgrounds: In 2011, Ethiopia faced measles outbreak from different regions of therncountry. Bahir Dar Zuria woreda, Amhara Region is one of affected woreda by measlesrnoutbreak. Bahir Dar Zuria woreda health office reported the Chenta outbreak to RegionalrnHealth Bureau, Public Health Emergency management department by telephone on Aprilrn9, 2011. The report initiated outbreak investigation to identify the etiology, assess riskrnfactors and propose appropriate intervention. rnMethods: Descriptive study was conducted in Chenta kebele, Bahir Dar zuria, AmhararnRegional state, from April 20 to June 7, 2011. Data were collected by using measlesrnoutbreak reporting line list and unstructured questionnaire. Those cases that developrnfever, rash and either cough or Coryza or Conjunctivitis were searched from clinicrnregistration and house to house. Descriptive analysis done by entering and recodingrncollected data using Epi-info version3.5.1 and Microsoft office Excel 2007. rnResults: A total of 46 cases with 2 deaths (Case fatality rate CFR=4.35%) were identifiedrnin Chenta Kebele. The age range was 1 to 38 year with median age of 11.5 year; and agerndistribution of cases were 11(23.9%), 17(37%) and 18(39.1%) cases at age groups of 1 torn4, 5 to14 and 15 to 38 years old respectively. Of 46 cases 24(52.2%) were Females. Thernvaccination status of cases were 24(52.2%) not vaccinated, 17(37%) received 1 dose andrn5(10.9%) received 2 doses of measles vaccine. The first index case of Chenta has travelrnhistory to Dehina Mariam which reported measles outbreak prior to Chenta. rnConclusion and Recommendation: .In this kebele, legible children are found notrnvaccinated. Travel history to measles affected area and accumulation of susceptiblernchildren in the kebele may have facilitated the outbreak. And hence, strengthening routinernand supplemental immunization activities and early control of localized outbreakrnelsewhere will prevent future outbreaks and expansion of outbreaks.