Solid Waste Management In Ogbete Main Market, Enugu

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          It is always known that cleanliness is next to godliness and health is wealth Good health is achieved if there is good management of the environment.

          The need for a good management of the environment cannot be over emphasized since there is a continuing environmental decay as a result of increased urbanization.

          Pollution is a major problem of urbanization of which most of the causes have been identified as industrial combustion, solid waste generation, oil spillage disposal etc. since these causes are inevitable; there is need for a good control of them. In this project there will be a critical look at solid waste management situation with special focus on Ogbete main market Enugu.       

          The project, which is required for the attainment of ND programme, will be divided into five chapters.

          The chapter one, which is the introductory part of the project, the statement of the problem is intended to be those associated with solid waste management problems, which may include health hazard, ditty environment, blockage of drainage system etc. In the main study, all those problems will be discussed intensively.

          The purpose of this project which will be treated in the main project will center on identifying the importance of such management and all the various strategies of checking excessive solid waste generation and management in the market in particular and Enugu city in general.

          The background and need for the study will focus on past experiences of solid waste of management and problems associated with it so as to know how to improve subsequent situation. From all those information one can make some hypothesis, which can be either positive or negative at the end of he study.

          In the chapter two, the project is intended to review some literatures on the subject matter, which takes the form of books, paper, journals, etc. here there will be a though review on some related topics such as solid waste management, policies on solid waste management, generation, classification and importance of solid waste management. These are expected to be extracted from library and other sources.

          The chapter three will deal mainly on research methodology and design. Here the sources of data i.e. Primary and secondary sources will be highlighted.

          Primary sources have to do with questionnaires, direct interview etc which secondary sources have to do with information from libraries, books, journals and magazine etc. Some statistical models such as bar chart, pie chart, and histogram will be used to present this data in a specific manner. 

          The chapter four has to do with data presentation and analysis. Here field data collected are analysis and presented in a format to achieve analytical conclusion. Statistical analytical methods are to be used here to arrive at scientifically conclusions.

          Chapter five deals on findings of the reseach, recommendation he prefer to tackle solid waste management problems in the study area and conclusions.


Title page                                                                                 i

Certification                                                                              ii

Dedication                                                                                iii

Acknowledgment                                                                      iv

Abstract                                                                                   v

Table of content                                                                       viii



Introduction                                                                              1

1.1             Statement of the problem                                                 2

1.2             Purpose of the study                                                       3

1.3             Background and need of the study                                   3

1.4             Theoretical foundation of the study                                  4       

1.5             Research question                                                           4

1.6             Scope of study                                                               5

1.6.1      Delimitation                                                           5

1.6.2      Limitation                                                                        6

1.7             Signification of the study                                                 6

1.8             Overview of the study                                                    



LITERATURE REVIEW                                                      8

2.1             Definition of solid waste                                                  8       

2.2             Solid waste                                                                     9

2.3             Characteristics of solid waste                                           12

2.4             Urbanization and solid waste generation                           14

2.5             Solid waste management strategies                                   16

2.6             Importance of solid waste management                            20

2.7             Problems of solid waste management                               21     



Methodology                                                                            23

3.1             Introduction                                                                    23

3.2             Re-statement of the problem                                            23

3.3             The study area                                                                24

3.4             Populations and sample size                                            26

3.5             Sources of data                                                               28

3.6             Method of data collection                                                28

3.7             Libraries                                                                         30

3.8             Validity/reliability test of instrument                                  31



Data Presentation and Analysis                                                  33

4.1             Data on respondent                                                         34

4.2             Rate of solid waste generated by the respondents             38

4.3             estimation of daily, weekly, monthly

and annual generation of solid waste

in akwata area of ogbete main market                               41

4.4     Solid waste storage system by the respondent                  42

4.5     Information about ENSEPA                                             51


5.0             Findings, Recommendation and conclusion                      53

5.1     Findings                                                                          53

5.2             Recommendation                                                            55

5.3             Recommended treatment                                                           58

5.4             Conclusion                                                                     59

Bibliography                                                                   62





Empirical evidence ranks Nigerian as one of the countries world that produces high qualities of solid waste. This phenomenon is predicted on her over increasing population complied with sophistication in taste and demand for domestic and industrial goods by her urban population. The uncontrolled generation and disposal of these wastes have deteriorated our otherwise conducive urban environment. Virtually all cities in Nigeria are characterized by helps or mounting of solid wastes. The health implications of this development on our urban streams, health and socio-economic development leave much to be desired.

The realization of good health, hygiene and sustainable development in any society is practically impossible when pollution by way of solid wastes impact strongly on hers socio – economic, cultural and environmental settings.

Policy markers, leaders of though and political office holders are daily confronted with endemic problems of what to do with mounting heaps of solid wastes in our urban environment. Many choice properties by virtue of their proximity to dump sites have deteriorated significantly and this has serious negative effect on their rental and capital values.

The present scenario depicts a state hopeless as virtually all Agencies of government entrusted with managing the wastes especially ENSEPA seems to be at cross road on what to do.      



Solid waste management is a very difficult task, as we all know. It creates a lot of problems to people which include:- drainage blockage (flooding), traffic jam, health hazard and unsightly environment.

In addition, environmental pollution in urban centers due to solid wastes is a matter of serious concern to the international community, for pollution in any form interferes with our good chain, health, comfort, amenities, properties values and living standards.

Today, all businesses are affected by both environmental changes and government effort towards controlling these changes.


The main purpose of this study is to access solid waste situation in the citizen of Nigeria, more especially in Ogbete main market Enugu. More over the research aims at finding out what should be done in order to reduce the health hazards and of the increasing menace of solid wastes in our market and cities.    



Urbanization, which is the purpose of people’s aggregation in cities, has witnessed tremendous increase in recent times. Most cities now in Nigeria have grown to full-scale urban status. The implications of urbanization is manifested in the areas of unemployment, inadequate social amenities due to undue pressures on the available ones by teaming population, increase in crime wave, sophistication and changes in demand and taste complied with high consumption on industrial and domestic goods leading to large volumes of solid wastes.

The presence of the solid wastes in our city environment without effective waste collection and disposal machinery has left most of these cities in solided state and their implications on the health of urban. It leaves much to be desired hence the need for this study.



This study is based ion W. Wilkie, Jodan’s Topical hygiene and sanitation theory, which state “that the collection and disposal of refuse and waste matter is any integral part of effective sanitation exercise.

From the above view and theory, any effective waste management packaged for proper address of our solid waste hydra headed problems benefit all individual main market.


1.5            RESEARCH QUESTION

The following research questions wee formulated to guide the study. These include:

1.                 How do you dispose your solid waste?

2.                 Are there any waste bins in your shops?

3.                 How often is waste evacuated from your day?

4.                 Do you sort your waste before disposal?

5.                 Are there sufficient equipment and manpower?

6.                 Are the storage, collection and transportation in Ogbete main market dumps from individual shops? 

7.                 How far are waste dumps from individual shops?

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Solid Waste Management In Ogbete Main Market, Enugu