Organizational Culture And Employees Performance The Moderating Role Of Person-job And Personorganization Fit The Case Of Ethiopian Airlines Groups Commercial Division Head Quarters

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This research assessed the moderation role of person-job and person-organization fitrn(value congruence) in the link between organizational culture and employee performancernin the aviation industry with evidence from the commercial devision of EthiopianrnAirlines at its head quarters, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Bole international airport. The casernstudy probed if a strong organizational culture predicts employee performance & tested ifrnthe level of employee performance would be varied as a result of the moderators. Thernresearch was quantitative in nature & employed descriptive & inferential researchrnapproaches, using linear & multiple regressions, in data analysis. The sample populationrnincluded management and non-management members working at the devision addressedrnthrough purposive and convenience sampling technique to total of 256 respondentsrnduring data collection via survey questionnaire. Factor analysis was applied to ensure thatrnthe questions were framed appropriately. From the analysis, it was found that binaryrnrelationship between organizational culture & employee performance exhibits modelrnspecification problem. With the inclusion of moderators (Person-Job fit & valuerncongruence) in the model, the level of employee performance shown increment. Based onrnthe findings, it was recommended that top management of various organizations makernsure person-job fit & value congruence is in place on top of a strong culture characterizedrnby constant communication of values, strict compliance & differentiation to expectrnmarked performance level from their employees. Future researches shall be directedrntowards the addition of Person-People fit as a moderator & shall strive to acquire actualrnkey performance indicators’ (KPI) rating results to avoid the limitation of this study.rnKey wordsrnKey Performance Indicators (KPI), Indoctrination, Differentiation, Compliance & Competition,rnOrganizational culture, Employee Performance, Person-Job Fit, Person-Organization Fit

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Organizational Culture And Employees Performance The Moderating Role Of Person-job And Personorganization Fit The Case Of Ethiopian Airlines Groups Commercial Division Head Quarters