Factors Associated With Successful Vaginal Birth After One Previous Cesarean Section In Pregnant Women Who Opted For Trial Of Labor In Alert Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021
Background: - Vaginal Birth after Cesarean section (VBAC) is associated with shorter maternalrnhospitalizations, less blood loss and fewer transfusions, fewer infections and fewerrnthromboembolic events than cesarean deliveryrnObjective: - To assess factors associated with successful vaginal birth after one previousrncesarean section in pregnant women who opted for trial of labor in alert hospital rnMethods: - A health facility based cross sectional Retrospective study design will be employed,rnin Addis Ababa city administration, Alert Hospital. Using single proportion formula a total ofrn411 participant were selected by simple random sampling, the data was collected by means ofrnstructured check list. The data were entered, coded and analyzed using statistical package forrnsocial science (SPSS) version 25. Descriptive statistics of the collected data were performed forrnmost variables such as socio-demographic, obstetric and health behavioral variables in the studyrnusing standard statistical parameters: percentage, means and standard deviation. To identify thernfactors associated with successful vaginal birth after one previous cesarean section, bivariate andrnmultivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. Variables with p value < 0.05 duringrnthe bivariate analysis were included in the multivariate analysis to see the effect of confoundingrnfactors. Odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals and statistical significance P