This study is concerned with A Freudian Psychoanalytic analysis of selected English poems rnof two poets: namely Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath. This research focuses on how these rnpoets communicate their conscious and unconscious thoughts through language choices. rnTherefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to explore the language use of the poets and find rnout which language choices convey meanings in all poems. In addition, the study will try to rnidentify the themes each poem portrays. rnThe other aim of this study is to reveal the effectiveness of the Freudian Psychoanalytic rnapproach in bringing out meaning of the poems and arriving at valid interpretation of literary rntexts. rnThe thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter serves as an introduction to the rnresearch work. The second chapters show different reviews and researches related to this rnstudy. The third chapter shows an overview of the concepts in focus and discusses the rnconcept of Freudian psychoanalysis and basic frameworks of Freudian analysis.rnThe last chapter deals with the actual analysis of the selected poems. Thus, the poems of rnEmily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath will be analyzed against significant frameworks of rnFreudian theories to reveal the message they present as literary works and as reflections of rnthe poets as well as to show the significant similarities and difference in the works of these rnpoets. rnIn the final section, which is the conclusion part, the findings of the researcher are briefly rnpresented.