Vocabulary Testing Techniques And Their Revel Acne To Vocabulary Teaching Techniques Suggested The Case Of Grade 11 English Textbook

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Tile rnnin nim of this study wns to exnmine the relntionship between the vocnbularyrntenching techniques used in Englisll textbook nnd the lIOcnbulnry testing techniques inrnschools.rnTo tllis end, gmde elwen Englisll textbook lpns selected nnd the vocnbulnry tenchingrntechniques were identified nnd exnmined. Similarly, eighteerl finnl examinntion pnpersrnwere selected frorn tlJlO governr/'lent nnd one non-government preparatory schools. itemsrnused in the exnminntion papers were sorted oul mid cntegorized nccording to their types.rnAfter t/wl, the relntionship between the vocnbulnry lenching techniques nnd the testingrntechniques wns compnred nnd contrasted.rnThe findings of the study sl/071' thnt there is n mislllntch betlpeen tile lJocnbulnry teachingrntechniques in the textbook nnd tile testing techniques in the eXnIninntion pnpers.rnFinnlly, bnsed on the drawn conclltsions, reconl/uelldntions were 11lnde ..

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Vocabulary Testing Techniques And Their Revel Acne To Vocabulary Teaching Techniques Suggested The Case Of Grade 11 English Textbook