Exploring The Status Of The Leaner-centered Approach In Efl Classes Grade 8 In Focus

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This study was concerned with exploring the status of the leamer-centred approach inrnEFL classes with particular reference to three selected primary schools in Addis Ababa,rnnamely:Kilinto, Lafto and Hizbawi Sera wit Primary Schools-Akaki Kaliti sub-city, Laftornsub-city and Yeka sub-city respectively.rnTo achieve the set objective two survey questionnaires, one for teachers and one forrnstudents, were used to survey participants about their responses. The students'rnquestionnaire was meant to examine whether they like to learn English individually, withrna partner, in small groups or in a large group. It also required them to identify thernmethods frequently used in their English classes. The questionnaire also incorporatedrnissues related to teachers' approach towards error correction. Similarly, the teachers'rnquestionnaire included key areas that revolve around whether or not they employ thernsuggested leamer-centred methods in their English classes. On top of this, teachersrnwere also asked to provide their views on the benefits of using specific active learningrnmethods.rnIn addition interviews were held with teachers and students. Accordingly, the semistructuredrninterview questions for teachers consisted of seven points, which dealt withrnthe methods that they used most of the time. Teachers were also inquired to expressrntheir opinions on the challenges and the solutions for effectively and efficientlyrnimplementing the leamer-centred approach in their own context. The interviewrnquestions for students contained four points. They ranged from how they wanted tornlearn English to what they suggest in order to improve their English out of class. In arnsimilar vein, focus group discussions were held with teachers and students. The focusrnpoints of the discussions with teachers were on the applicability, challenges, bottlenecksrnand solutions to this approach. Similarly, the students' focus group discussionsrnincluded the type of topics they prefer to learn in their English classes. Discussionsrnwere also made with students on how they manage their own learning as part of theirrnlearning strategies.rnQuantitative and qualitative methods were employed to analyze the results. The majorrnfindings showed that some of the challenges in effectively and efficiently implementingrnthe leamer-centred approach in primary schools are:rni) large class sizernii) lack of awarenessrniii) lack of trainingrnivY lack of support from stakeholdersrnv) lack of self-motivationrnFinally, the recommendations were made based upon the conclusions of the finding.rnI

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Exploring The Status Of The Leaner-centered Approach In Efl Classes Grade 8 In Focus