The growillg il/teresl ill gender issues. relationships. family ('Ol/s/r/le/.·, ele.:. ('(III be seen illrn(I('IlIlem;a alld elsewhere. 711e power oj literary leXI.', ill Ihe formations (111(/ pacepf;olls 0/rnlI 'OIlli'II'S ill/ages is immense. These percepfiollS change wilh liflle and ideology. Challge illrnideology ohray:>. marh a paradigm !)·!Jift ill fhe way 11'1.' understand ol1d ililerpre/ social alldrnecollomic alld political agenda,rn'Ihis thesis examines /0 lI'iIal eXfelllpo/,trayal of Jemale c/Wrf(CferS in . Libllse-Ti/a ' is depictedrnrelyill); 011 Marxist Felllilli.'( Lilermy CriticislII /rom Ihe ecullolllie per specl il'c alld fi·cm.:hrnIvchoalla~y'ic Femillisl Lilermy CrilicislII ji-om p:o.J'ch%gical infl llellce perspecth'e.Ollcrndis/illct qualify of palriarchy is ils illtrinsic ideology I/W/ 11'01/11.'11 sho/lld sray ill the primtern.phere oJlije ",hite mell sho/lld engage themsell'es ill public aff{/ir~ . TI/i~ palriarc/1lI1 ideulugy illrn(/ society predelerlllilled lite image and predestilled the role of 1I'0lllell ollly tu be wife lIlIdrnlIIother clemled 10 Ihe house chores. ntis type oj gellder-hia.H,d .wx role., !I'hid/ IliJ!.hl)'rnc/wl"(lcteri::e palriarcltal society IU/I'e alsu beell dOlllil1ol/1 ill /l/usl EII/iopiall writing", WOlllellrnare a group whu 'fork oU/side the money ec:onumy as {/ res/ti, Iltey are Ireated as slm'e.~·.rn11/e felllale characters ill Lib/a'e- Tila ' are porI rayed as imlepelldelll, Ihe olles who hm·e] Iheirrn011'1"/ philosophy and reflecI gender role ill decision-making. The Ihree pro/(lgolli.·, fimllllerndlllraciers ill Ihis 110I"e1 hm'e COl/cealed persollalily thaI challenges Iltelll. As its litle illdicatesrnfhe 1101·e1'/(JcIISe." 011 ill(! hidden aspecl oJper.wJllalily which refers to tlie p.I)'c/lOlogical mpcu .rn(i('/fera/~I ', Ilu.' protagunisf female charocfers Iltillk, "peak. ael. cll(/I/(' Ilge aw/ lil"e dijjerellllyrnIllIlike IIie (!xpe("ullioll 0/ fhe patriarchal sociely. They lire illdepelldel1l. prub/em-suh'ers O/ulrnecfucaled who philosophize un variolls aspecls. So. Ihi,,' Iltesis al/elllplS 10 iJII'esfigo/e liternfJl"O;!,ress oj pOr/rayal of female chraters.