Livelihood Coping Mechanisms Of Women Engaged In The Informal Sector Amid Covid-19 In Adama City Ethiopia

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The main objective of this study was to examine livelihood coping mechanism of women engagedrnin the informal sector amid COVID-19 Adama city. Cross-sectional survey and mixed researchrnapproach has been used. Accordingly, 138 women engaged in the informal sector were identifiedrnfrom three kebeles using multi-stage sampling technique. In doing so, quantitative data wererncollected from women engaged in the informal sector using structured questionnaire andrnqualitative data were collected using focus group discussion, key informant interview andrnobservation. It was found that all respondents have reported to have disproportionately impactedrnby adverse impacts such as reduced income, quit self-employment, displaced or went/ traveled outrnof city to seek support of their loved ones or search job, quite schooling, lost job/employment andrnevacuated from the house they rented. Besides, migrant women engaged in the informal sectorrnwere more impacted by the adverse impacts of the pandemic. The finding revealed that the womenrnengaged in the informal sector have very limited livelihood assets such as of human capital,rnphysical capital, financial capital. Whereas social capital was the most used livelihood asset amidrnCOVID-19. However, natural capital was missing. They have used a combination of two or morernlivelihood coping mechanisms such as assistances from family or relatives, involved paid childrenrnin labor, sold their assets, used their savings and borrowed cash, traveled in search of work orrnassistance, pension and urban safety in order of importance. It was also found that significantrnmajority of the respondents did not receive assistances from formal institutions such asrngovernment and non-governmental organizations amid COVID-19. To the contrary, the majorityrnhave received assistances such as food, cash, paid work and psychosocial support from extendedrnfamily or relatives amid pandemic. Drawing on the results, the author recommended devising ofrninterventions mechanism customized to context of the informal sector and women such as socialrnsecurity packages to be triggered amid shocks like COVID-19 such as in kind (food item) or cashrnassistances or transfers by government. In addition, government should device or adopt policiesrnhelp to provide relief measures such as utility bill suspension in which the government pays utilityrnbills such as water and electricity for private house renters who gives relief house rent fee for inrnthe informal sector amid shocks. Besides, the government should device financial assistances andrnmicro financing tailored to women engaged in the informal sector so as to enable them engage inrnsmall and micro business enterprises. Furthermore, the non-governmental organizations shouldrndesign feasible projects or programs that would help the women engaged in the informal sectorrnamid shock like COVID-19 and should also device mechanism to strongly monitor and evaluaternwhether the selection of target beneficiaries are as per the criteria and support provided hasrnbrought about the required change on the livelihood/living standard of project target group.rnMoreover, the local government should have completed the record of or data base of womenrnengaged in the informal sector in all kebeles of the city. Above all, the local government shouldrnconduct need assessment of women engaged in the informal sector in city and provide vocational,rnlife skill trainings like saving and provision of space for work etc. Lastly, the researchers shouldrnconduct comprehensive study on informal sector in Adama city and in Ethiopia in general.

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Livelihood Coping Mechanisms Of Women Engaged In The Informal Sector Amid Covid-19 In Adama City Ethiopia