Ethiopia is one of the most vulnerable countries experiencing drought and floods as a result ofrnclimate variability and change. Climate change in the form of higher temperature, reducedrnrainfall, and increased rainfall variability reduce crop yield and threaten food security in lowrnincome and agriculture-based economies. This study investigates impact of climate variability onrnhousehold food security and coping strategies in the case of Yaya Gulele District of Oromiarnregion. Multi-staged sampling techniques were used to select the targeted area and samplernhousehold respondents. A total of 232 sampled households were selected using simple randomrnsampling method and household survey was conduct with structured questionnaire. Key InformantrnInterviews and Focus Group Discussions were also conducted to complement the quantitativernstudy. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approach and used both primary andrnsecondary data collection methods. Various descriptive and inferential statistic techniques werernapplied to analyze the collected survey data. Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS)rnand ordered logistic regression model were used to analyze the determinant factors which affectrnfood security of sampled household. The result of ordered logit revealed that sex of householdrnhead, family size and distance of household from the market, education level, irrigation, marketrnlinkage, agricultural extension contact and access to saving and credit contributed significantlyrnassociated with household food security status. The result of HFIAS show that 20.26% ofrnhouseholds were categorized as food secure, 36.21% as mildly food insecure and 30.60% asrnmoderately food insecure and 12.93% as severely food insecure in the study area. From the result,rnit is possible to conclude that male headed household, having more family members and closerndistance to the market are more significantly affect the impact climate variability result on foodrnsecurity. Policy measures derived from the result include: Facilitate access to saving and credit,rnirrigation access, contact with of agricultural extension and create a market linkage particularlyrnfor food insecured household groups the study areas.