The Nexus Between Youth Unemployment And Food Insecurity Evidences From Addis Ababa Nifas Silk Lafeto Sub-city Woreda 09

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Food insecurity is defined as the lack of capability to produce food and to have access by allrnpeople at all times to enough food for an active and healthy life. The objective of this study wasrnthe Nexus between Youth Unemployment and Food Insecurity Evidences from Nifas Silk LafetornSub-City Woreda 09. A sample of 118 Youths were included. The respondents were interviewedrnwith the use of a structured questionnaire to obtain information on their demographic,rnsocioeconomic characteristics and dietary intake. Age, Number of dependent, Income, Jobrnpreferences, Employment status and marital status are significant predictor cause foodrninsecurity and have stronger correlation. 35.3% of the households were categorized as foodrnsecure, 28.4% as mildly food insecure, 27.5% as moderately food insecure and 8.8% as severelyrnfood insecure based on the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and the HouseholdrnDietary Diversity Scale (HDDS) results shows the majority of them eaten low protein dietsrn92.3%, 63.39%, 80.34%, 94.09%, 95.76%, 73.73%, and 90.58% cereals, potato, vegetable,rnbean/peas/, oil, sugar and coffee were consumed more in the past 24 hours of the study. Youthsrnwith food shortages were forced to use a range of coping strategies, mainly consumption-relatedrnmechanisms that include purchasing food on credit, reduce portion and skipped meals, shoppingrnin cheap shops for cheap foods, informal support experiences friends and family and dietaryrnchange. It is recommended that efforts to improve socio-economic status of the youth byrnenhancing the food insecurity of the households in the city need to be focused. It promotes thernemployability of young people through a system of participation, where you can find a largernlabor supply and training courses for work, so that young people achieve the country'srndevelopment articulated in better condition. More studies based on food insecurity problemrnshould be carried out to generate more information in addressing youth food insecurity amongrndifferent gender groups in Nifas Silk Lafeto Sub-City Woreda 09

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The Nexus Between Youth Unemployment And Food Insecurity Evidences From Addis Ababa Nifas Silk Lafeto Sub-city Woreda 09