Role Of Home Garden In Improving Household Diet Diversity And Child Nutritional Statuses The Case Of Woreda 01 In Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City

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Food and nutrition security remains the high priority programs for the Government of Ethiopiarnbecause 38% of children under age five were stunted, 10% were wasted, 24% were underweightrnin the country. Stunting in Addis Ababa is 22%, as the result the Addis Ababa City GovernmentrnUrban Agriculture Office and many other local non-governmental organizations promoted homerngardens in Addis Ababa to improve the food and nutrition security of poor households. Thisrnresearch was conducted in Addis Ababa City Administration, Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City, Woredarn01 (Lebu) with the objective to assess the role of home garden on household dietary diversity andrnchild nutritional statuses. The total of 230 households with equal number of sample from homerngarden households and non- home garden households were surveyed using the household foodrninsecurity access scale, diet diversity score and anthropometric measurement of under fivernchildren. Both the qualitative and quantitative data was collected and analyzed. It was found thatrnthe size of the home garden varies from 12 meter square up to 300 meter square, based on the landrnavailability. Plant composition was almost the same across the home gardens growing vegetablesrnlike kale, Swiss chard, Lettuce, Cabbage, Beet root, Carrot, Potato and Tomato. Home gardensrnwere managed throughout the year using irrigation water from the tap water and from nearbyrnrivers. The research found that home gardens provide supplemental sources of diverse fresh andrnnutritionally rich vegetables for home consumption and selling extra produces. And, contributedrnfor the diet diversity improvement, income generation, and improved children nutritional statuses.rnThe most important constrains identified by the research were land and water shortage, lack ofrninputs, lack of market information and advisory services, sustainability problem, lack of attentionrnby the households, weeds and insect pests and diseases. There is a great need for capacity building,rnimplement research with increased focus on nutritional aspects, soil and pest management,rncomposting, and integration of livestock to enhance the productivity and profitability of homerngardens

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Role Of Home Garden In Improving Household Diet Diversity And Child Nutritional Statuses The Case Of Woreda 01 In Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City