Food Security Status And Copping Strategies Of Agro Pastoral Households In Kebri Beyah District Somali Regional State Ethiopia

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This study was carried out to identify food security status its determinants and coping strategiesrnof agro pastoral households in kebri Beyah district of Ethiopia. Data used in this study wererncollected from 153 rural households, using purposive sampling technique. Household survey,rnfield observations, key informant interviews and focus group discussions were utilized duringrnprimary data collection. Household food insecurity access scale was used to measure the foodrnsecurity accessibility of the household in the study area, Household Food Balance Model wasrnused to measure the sample households’ food security availability and compare the determinantsrnof household food security and finally coping strategy index was used to identify the mostrnpracticed coping s in the study area. Besides, descriptive analysis was used including; mean,rnstandard deviation and cross-tabulations of frequency distribution. The survey results of thernstudy using HFIAS revealed that 80 percent of the households were food insecure, while 20rnpercent were found to be food secure. The main factors determining household food securityrnstatus were identified as household demographic factors (sex, age, educational status and familyrnsize), economic factors (cultivated land size, farm oxen ownership, and remittance). Andrninstitutional factors (extension service, input availability and market availability). Hence, thernmain coping mechanisms adopted by household in the study area is used to increase householdrnfood availability through borrowing cash or grain from others and selling of more livestock thanrnusual and limiting portion size at meal time are practiced by the largest portion of householdsrnlivestock which is 88% and 66% and 58% respectively. Conversely skipping the entire dayrnwithout eating and sending households to somewhere else 5%, and 11% respectively are thernleast practiced coping mechanisms in the study area.

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Food Security Status And Copping Strategies Of Agro Pastoral Households In Kebri Beyah District Somali Regional State Ethiopia