Nutritional Composition Antioxidant Proporty And Toxicity Evaluation Of The Root And Gel Of Aloe Percrassa Tod.

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Different Aloe species can be utilized in '{trious!orms. HOll'e'er, A. percrassa has not beenrnutilized to its Jullest due to lack oj inJorma/ioIJ. 71I11S, ;n this sflldy Ihe proxima/e. aminutritional,rnantioxidanl composilion and toxicity of melhanol exlract oj Ihe gel and root a/A.rnpercrassa were determined. The proximale composition analysis im'olved the moisilire. crudernprolein, crude fibre, crude fal. ash and carbohydra/e conlents while the anti-mllritionalrnassessment involved f{lI1nillS and phyulle. 71le anlioxidclIIt property was delermined /IsingrnDPPH free radical scavengillg melhod. 71w acule and sub-acute /Oxicities were elYllllated onrnmice by oral administralion of extracts Jor 2-1 hr and 28 days. respeclively. HislOpcllh%gicalrnchanges on the liver and kidney of mice were examined on haemaloxylin-eosin stained tissuernsectiolls. The moisture cOnlent covered the uppermost portion of the plant pari, thai is, 97 andrn82.27% of Ihe gel and root, respectively. The gel of A. percrassa was found /0 containrncarbohydrate (2.27%) and ash (0.45%) content while the root has carbohydrate (8. -11 %),rnfiber (7.59%) and ash (0.88%). The protein and fat (.'ontent were fOllnd 10 be relatively low.rn0.13 and 0.08% in Ihe gel and 0.59 and 0.26% in the rOOI, respectively. The lel'el of mineralsrnsuch as calcium, potassium, sodium and iron in Ihe root extract were 871.03, 387.86, 378.03rnand 9.39 mgl lOO g powder, reJpectively. The gel is also rich in K, Co, Na, P, Z" and Fe 1I'ithrn4765.23, 782.76, 280.15, 3.55 and 3.02 mgllOO g puwder, reJpeclively, The cmfioxid(1II1rnresults also indicated thai both exlracts displayed concentralion dependent inhibiloryrnactivities, though not high, with ICJO values of 108.76 Jar Ihe root and 316.9211g1LJor the gelrnexceeding Ihe standard ascorbic acid with ICJo value oj 41.82 )Jgl L. 111 the gel, /{mnin andrnphytate contents were 5.61 mgl lOO g and 127.90 mgllOO g, respeclively whereas Ihe roOI partrncoll/ains lower lallllill collfelll (49.26 mgl lOO g) bllt higher phylate content 0/1497.20 mg/ IOOrng on dly weight bases. Concerning lOX icily studies, lite acute toxicity sludy bOlh root and gelrnextracts al a dose rate oj 2. -I of 6 g/kg didn 'l cause mortality or induce physical signs ofrntoxicity on mice dllring Ihe 2-1 hr obsen:alioll period. The LDJO oj exfracts oj Ihe rOOI and gelrnof A. percrassa is estimated 10 be grealer Ihall 6 g/kg. The sub-acule toxicity study alsornshowed neifher dealh of the mice 1101' significalll difference in /wematological and bloodrnchemistry results showed compared to Ihe cOlltrol group. Howel'er. hislOplllhologicalrnexamination slighl focal defects were observed ill Ihe sectioned liver alld kidney 0/ Jour testrnmice. III conclusion, Ihe findings oj Ihe present study suggesl lhat there is an indication thatrnA. percrassa contains ill/portalll proximate and mineral compounds IIial may be linked 10 itsrnbeneficial effects on diet alld heallh II would be worthwhile embarking 0 11 Jurther scielltificrnexperimenlalion and investigation Ollihis wlillable IIl11ritional plam and to proll/ole its large·rnscale lIfilizalion so Ihal il call be used as a good SOurce of carbohydrates, minerals andfibres.

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Nutritional Composition Antioxidant Proporty And Toxicity Evaluation Of The Root And Gel Of Aloe Percrassa Tod.