Nutritional Status Of Children And Food Safety Knowledge Attitude And Practices Among Household Food Handlers Mothers Adigrat Eastern Tigray Zone In Northern Ethiopia

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Foodborne diseases is the major public health problem all over the world, particularly inrnpoor resource settings including the study area .The problem is more noticeable in thernstudy area due to lack of knowledge, inappropriate attitude and unacceptable practice of foodrnsafety at household leve.l Thus, the main objective of this present study was to assess the food safetyrnknowledge, attitude and practices of food handler mothers and nutritional status of under five childrenrnin the households in Adigrat town, Tigray region, Ethiopia. A total of 342 household foodrnhandler mothers were selected randomly from the six kebeles. To perform this study, arncross-sectional survey was carried out among food handlers’ households in the studyrnarea, between Januarys and March. Moreover, Households food insecurity access scalern(HFIAS) was used to assess food security status of households, household food safetyrnKAP were assessed with regards to food handling, personal hygiene and water &rnsanitation and nutritional measurements were used to assess children under fivernnutritional status. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 25. Nutrition status ofrnchildren Weight and height was used to calculate weight-for-age, weight-for-height andrnheight-for-age by using Emergency Nutritional Assessment (ENA for SMART 2011) in thernscale of WHO standards 2006. Results were presented using descriptive statistics andrncross tabulation. Chi-square was used to test differences among categorical variablesrn.The result of the present study showed that, low knowledge and poor practice in foodrnhandling, personal hygiene and water sanitation. The level of food security was 2.2 %rnfood secure 27 % mild food insecurity 26.7% moderate food insecurity and 44.3%rnseverely food insecurity. The findings also showed that nutritional status of under fivernchildren 28.8% wasting ,65% underweight , 51.4 stunted 48.3% MUAC chronic energyrndeficiency. To cope with this problems governmental or non-governmental stake holders,rnhealth extension workers should give education or trading on food safety and nutritionrn.Temporary solution should join them in to productive safety net programs

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Nutritional Status Of Children And Food Safety Knowledge Attitude And Practices Among Household Food Handlers Mothers Adigrat Eastern Tigray Zone In Northern Ethiopia