Analysis Of Urban Apiculture And Its Contributions To Household Food Security The Case Of Kolfe Keranio Sub-city Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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The objective of this study is to analyze urban apiculture and its contributions to household foodrnsecurity in Kolfe Keranio sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Purposive sampling technique wasrnemployed for the study area (sub-city and woredas under sub-city) selection while simplernrandom sampling technique was employed to select the urban beekeeper households. The datarnwere collected through urban beekeeper household survey, key informant interviews, fieldrnobservations and focal group discussions. Both descriptive and econometric models were used tornanalyze the data. Multiple regression and ordered logit models were employed to determinernfactors affecting urban apiculture production and determinants of the urban beekeeperrnhousehold food security, respectively. The multiple regression analysis result revealed thatrnapiary land area, wax foundation use, number of transitional and improved (modern) hives,rnfrequency of extension contact, price of honey, access of swarm and experience of urbanrnbeekeeping positively explain the urban apiculture production. But, age of the household headrnnegatively affects urban apiculture production. The food security status of urban beekeepingrnhouseholds were classified in to four as food secure (9 HHs), mildly food insecure (28),rnmoderately food insecure (38) and severely food insecure (3). The result of ordered logit modelrnconfirmed that education status of household head, wax foundation use, credit access, urbanrnbeekeeping experience and apiary land contribute significantly and positively relate to urbanrnbeekeeper household food security, in contrast family size negatively affects the household foodrnsecurity of urban beekeepers. This research concludes that urban apiculture production has itsrnown contributions on household food security. The study recommended the need to enhancernintensive use of improved hive with appropriate skill and different technology; and facilitation ofrninputs such as credit service, swarm, extension service and the need to formulate applicablernpolicy, strategy and package for urban apiculture development.

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Analysis Of Urban Apiculture And Its Contributions To Household Food Security The Case Of Kolfe Keranio Sub-city Addis Ababa Ethiopia