Food Security Status Of Urban Smallholder Livestock Producers In Addis Ababa The Case Of Akaki Kality Sub City

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The overall objective of this study was to assess the food security status of smallholder livestockrnproducers in Akaki Kality sub city. Cross sectional study design was conducted and both primaryrnand secondary data were used to collect relevant information. Primary data was collectedrnthrough survey with 383 sample households and key informant interviews. Description statisticalrnanalysis and bivariate analysis was used to analyze the collected data. Moreover, HFIAS wasrnused to measure the food security status of urban livestock producers. Demographic findings inrnthis study showed that about 80 (20.9%) female and 303 (79.1%) male and their education statusrnrevealed that about 30 (7.83%), 104(27.15%) and 249(65.01%) were illiterate, read and writernand Literate respectively. About 123(32.1%) livestock producers were only involved in livestockrnproduction and the remaining respondents participated in additional occupation. Among studiedrnhouseholds about 213 (55.6%), 145 (37.9%), 94 (24.5%), 88 (23%), 41(10.7%) and 1(0.3%) ofrnlivestock producer households had poultry, dairy, sheep and goat, beef, bee and pig types ofrnanimals were kept in their houses respectively. The HFIAS result showed that about 29.77 %,rn33.68 %, 23.76 % and 12.79 % were food secure, mildly food insecure, moderately food insecurernand severely food insecure respectively. Ordered logit regression analysis was performed tornidentify determinants on food security of household. The finding revealed that variables Age,rneducation, total livestock income, and TLU were negatively statistically significant to foodrninsecure whereas variables household size, improved breed, veterinary service and access torncredit were found positively statistical significant to be food insecure. In Conclusion urbanrnlivestock keeping ensure households food security, income generation and way out of urban poorrnhouseholds; following this urban livestock development intervention schemes, strategies, policyrnissues and research gap have been recommended.

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Food Security Status Of Urban Smallholder Livestock Producers In Addis Ababa The Case Of Akaki Kality Sub City