Determinants Of Food Security And Coping Mechanisms In Agropastoral Househoulds A Case Of Itang Woreda Gambella Region Ethiopia

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An understanding of the major factors of food security is an important for interventions aimingrnat reducing those factors. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the food securityrnstatus of agro-pastoral households. The objectives of the study are to determining the foodrnsecurity status of agro-pastoral household, describing the coping mechanisms of used byrnhousehold during food shortage. In order to achieve these objectives, cross-sectional data onrndemographic and socio-economic characteristics aspects were collected from 113 randomlyrnselected household in two kebeles based on the probability sampling through semi-structurerninterview schedule. Descriptive statistics, like mean, standard deviation and percentagerndistribution were used. Binary regressions were used to achieve the stated objectives. The resultrnof the HFIAS show that out of the total surveyed households, 23% were food secure and 77%rnwere food insecure. The binary logit regression result show that among the fourteen variables,rnsix were statistically significant determinants of household food security. The variables such asrnfamily size and dependency ratio were negatively related with food security. The remainingrnsignificant variables such as age of the household, livestock ownership, cultivating of your ownrnland and distant to the nearest market center were positively related with household foodrnsecurity status. Furthermore, households used different coping mechanisms against foodrninsecurity and these include: borrowing from friends and relatives sale of livestock, sale ofrnfirewood relaying on fishing, sale milk and milk product and eat fewer meals per day/ reducingrnquantity of food per day. . A set of recommendation: family size is one of the major problems inrnthe studies areas since household who was economically inactive members are greater thanrneconomically active members, so awareness creation should be the first task to tackle thisrnproblem. Improving the quality of the land through improved soil and nutrient management byrnpromoting agricultural technologies such as the use of fertilizer, improved seed, irrigation, andrnpost-harvest management should be made by regional government.

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Determinants Of Food Security And Coping Mechanisms In Agropastoral Househoulds A Case Of Itang Woreda Gambella Region Ethiopia