Approaching Prose Narrative With Modern Narrative Theory Of Focalization And Voice A Comparative Study Of Achebes Things Fall Apart And Fikeremarkoss Land Of The Yellow Bull

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Narratorlogy, a theory of narrative, helps us to highlight the distinctiveness of any givenrnnarrative, compare any number of narratives to institute a narrative according tornnarratively pertinent features, and certain interpretive conclusions.rnThe present study explores the methodological and practical consequences of thernGenettean and post-Genettean theory of narrative. Focusing on narrative voice andrnfocalization, the study reviews and situates traditional 'point of view' concepts within thernnarratological framework of Genettean and post-Genettean voice and focal ization theoryrnby moving, roughly speaking, from Genette(l980) to Stanzel ( 1984), including otherrnimportant concepts of recent contributors to the field. This narrato logical toolbox hasrnbeen practically used to analyze two case study novels: Land of the Yellow Bull andrnThings Fall Apart.rnThe study considers narrative to include all types of genres, literary or non-literary,rnfictional or non-fictional, and verbal or non-verbal.Besides, the study examines thernintegrative investigation of both stol'Y narratology and discourse na .... atology in thernnovels under discussion. Furthermore, although narrato logy has different specializedrnfield s, for example, cognitive narratology, this study focuses on narratology as a generalrnexploration which builds a basic narratological framework and shows how to apply it inrnthe analysis of prose narrative fiction.rnThe study also proposes to show that a given narrative technique cannot be judgedrnaccord ing to its service to the narrative but only according to its success in particularrnworks, because narrative content has no basis except in the narrative act and the narrativernact cannot carry within itself its own predetermined meanings and effects. Furthermore,rnthe study also argues that among the different narratological concerns, narrative voicernand focali zation are the two significant and salient features of a prose na'Tative.rnMethodologically, the researcher depends on .literary and qualitative methods and on therncritical and literary reviews of voice and focalization as narrative techniques which arernbelieved to help the researcher identify relevant theories, recent modifications and developments in this area. Thus, the researcher will focus on investigating and class ifyingrnthe categories of voice and focalization. This will lead the research to class ify, analyzernand interpret the facts and events in the two selected novels against the data collected inrnline with the se lected categories of criticism, viz., focali zation and vo ice.rnBased on the above theoretical framework and methodology, the following generalrnfindings have been arrived at. In both the nove ls, the authors employed heterodiegeticrnauthori al-figural narrator to tell the story. Both narrators in the novels under discussionrnare sexually indeterminate, and therefore, they have been gendered according to the sexrnof the author of each of the novels. Unlike Land of Yellow Bull, in Things Fall Apart,rninside the overall matrix, there are seven embedded narratives which are narrated byrnintradiegetic narrators. All these narrators are heterodiegetic in relation to the story theyrnrelate.rnRegarding focali zation, both authors utilized an external focalizer dominantly, thoughrnthere are instances of internal focali zations, too. In Things Fall Apart, window shift andrnwindow overlap is the underl ying narrative technique of focali ztion. In Land of thernY cllow Bull, although there are instances of window shift, the pervading narrativerntechnique in focalization is window overlap.

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Approaching Prose Narrative With Modern Narrative Theory Of Focalization And Voice A Comparative Study Of Achebes Things Fall Apart And Fikeremarkoss Land Of The Yellow Bull