The effect of blending ratio and cultivar on the quality characteristics of cookies made fromrnorange-fleshed sweetpotato and wheat composite flour were studied. A constrained,rnsimplex lattice design was used to blend the composite flour and five different blendingrnratios of OFSPF: SWF (0:100, 12.5:87.5, 25:75,37.5:62.5 and 50:50) were found. The OFSP.Frnwas processed from two different cultivars of OFSP roots, namely Tulia and Ku/fo, where asrnthe soft wheat flour which has 17% gluten was purchased from the local market.rnFunctional properties of the composite flours as well as physical, sensory and nutritionalrnqualities of cookies developed from various composite flours were analyzed. Consequently,rnas the ratio of OFSPF increased in the blend, the water absorption capacity of the compositernflour was found to be significantly higher (p< 0.05). The oil absorption capacity andrnmoisture content were significantly higher (p< 0.05) fo'r SWF while bulk density andrndispersibility were significantly higher (p< 0.05) for OFSPF. Blending ratio also had arnsignificant effect (p< 0.05) on the quality characteristics of cookies. Increased ratio ofrnOFSPF in the blend caused significant increase (p< 0.05) in moisture, ~-carotene, crudernfiber, ash and Calcium content of cookies and resulted in a significant decrease (p< 0.05) inrnprotein, carbohydrate, iron and energy value of cookies. Blending ratio also significantlyrnaffected (p< 0.05) the other quality parameters of .cookies (spread and sensoryrnacceptability); the more OFSPF in the blend, the less spread and the less sensoryrn-------,a""c''"c""e'pOf,"a'DiTi y. owever, coo ies made from 25: TSor-OFSPF:5WrnaC!s imria overa 11rn----acceptabilityrnwith cookies made from 100% SWF. On the other hand, cultivar was found tornhave effect on the quality parameters of cookies. Cuukies made from Tulla-OFSPF and SWFrnblend had significantly higher (p< 0.05) spread and better sensory acceptability in terms ofrncolor, crispiness, taste, flavor .and overall acceptability than cookies made from Kulfo-rnOFSPF and SWF blend. It was also observed that the moisture, fiber, fat, ~-carotene, energyrnand Calcium contents were significantly higher (p< 0.05) for cookies made from Ku/fo-OFSPrnand SWF blend. However, the ashes, protein, Phosphorus were significantly higher (P