Knowledge Attitude Practice Related To Diabetes Among Type Ii Diabetic Patients In Ambo Ethiopia Institutional Based Cross-sectional Study

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Background: Diabetes is chronic illness significantly afjecting health of populationrnthroughout the world. In Africa, about 19.8 million adults are affected by diabetes ofrnthese; more than 50% are ji-om Nigeria, South Aji-ica, Ethiopia and Tanzania.rnKnowledge is the greatest weapon in the fight against diabetes mellitus (DM). Selfrnmanagement of patients with T2DM largely depends 0 11 the knowledge, attitude andrnpractices of such people regarding the condition.rnObjective: To assess knowledge, altitude and practices (KAP) related to diabetesrnamong type II diabetes (T2DM) patients attending Ambo University referral hospital,rnOromia, Ethiopia.rnMethods: An institutional based cross sectional study was conducted among randomlyrnselected 248 T2DM patients aged ;0:30 years old ji-om Ambo University ReferralrnHospital. Data regarding KAP towards diabetes were collected using interviewrntechniques. In addition, anthropometric statlls (body mass index and waist hip ratio) ofrnthe participants was assessed. The tool for data collection contains data about sociodemographicrncharacteristics and medical factors. Descriptive statistics was used to setrnthe KAP level among the respondents while logistic regression model was applied torntest the association of KAP with various socio demographic and other variablesrnResults: The mean of age among the respondents was 44(± 7.2) years. Uf 248rnrespondents, 105 (42.3%) were ji-om rural. Among respondents 111(44.8%),rn117(47.2%) and 121(48.8%) were differentiated as not knowledgeable, having poorrnaltitude and exercise poor practice toward diabetes mellitus. Age, place of residence,rnlevel of education, average monthly income, family history of diabetes and duration ofrnliving with DM were factors affecting KAP towards diabetes. Both sex and occupationalrnstatus were affecting the knowledge level, but not attitude and practice. Furthermorernknowledge level was affecting booth attitude and practice level of participants in thernstudy arearnConclusion: This study found that there was gap in Imowledge, attitude and practicerntoward diabetes in the study area among type 2 diabetic patients. Structured diabetes,rnnutrition and health education should be given for T2DM patients through communityrnbased behavioral change to assist and improve the level of KAP towards DM in thernstudy area.rnKey 1V0rds: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Adults

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Knowledge Attitude Practice Related To Diabetes Among Type Ii Diabetic Patients In Ambo Ethiopia Institutional Based Cross-sectional Study