Effect Of Processing And Tef Varieties (eragrostis Tef (zucc.)) On The Antioxidant Properties Of Ethiopian Traditional Bread Injera

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Imbalanccd product ion and consumption of reactive oxygen species, reading to oxidativernstress such as cancer, arteriosclerosis neu rodegenerative diseases and ageing processes. Thernprotect ive effects of plants have long been attributed to their ant ioxidant compounds, such asrnphenolic compounds and flavono ids. The purpose of th is study was comparing antioxidat ivernpotenti"! of methanolic extracts of three tef varieties (white. brown and red tel) and the irrninjeras (partly ferm ented and fu lly fermented) and their enriched one with fen ugreek. Thernantioxidant capacities of tef varieties and the ir flat bread, iI?jeras were evaluated by usingrndifferent methods, name ly DPPH (2. 2-diphenyl-I-picryl hydrazyl) free radical scavengingrnactiv ity, total reduc ing power. IOta I phenol contents and total flavo noid levels. Total phenolrncontent (TPC) was determined by using folin-ciocalteau reagent. Total tlavonoid contentrn(TFC) was determined by using colorimetric assay method, the absorbance of all parametersrnmeasured using UV-viz-spectropholOmetry. The level of Ie 50 values of free radical and totalrnreducing power of various tefvarieties varied from 0.6 IlIg/ml to 0.88 mg.1 ml and 2.25 111g111l1rn10 2.5 mg/ml respectively. The results Showed the highest scavenging activities (0.6 mg/ml)rnand reducing power (2 .25 mglm l ) observed in red tef while the lowest scavenging activitiesrnand reductive potential potent in white tef ( 0.86 mg/ml) and (2.5g1mi). Current results ofrnlotal phenolic content assay indicate that total phellol co ntent was higher in red tef(II.47 mgrnGAE/g) as compared to brown (9.715 mg GAE/g) and white tef (8.28 mgl GAE/g). Inrnaddition: total tlavonoids for white, brown and red tef were 1.03 mg/CE/g. 1.78 mg CE/g andrn2. 13 mg CE/g respective ly. The processing of tef flour ill to partly or fully fermented illjerasrnand their enrichment with fenugreek affect the lef antioxidant levels th:s has imp lications forrnthe ir bioactive properties a nd pote nti al health bcnclits. The IC;o - values i'or free radicalrnscavenging activit ies and reduc ing power of pa rtly fermented, fully fenncnted, c nrichedrnpartly tcnnented and enriched fully fermented white td' ily'eras were 2.8 111 g11ll1 ; 2.75 Illg/ml.rn3.25 mglml ; 3.3 lng/m!. 2.63 mg/ml; 2.7 mglml ; 3 lll glmi ; 3 mg/m! respectively. Phenolicrncompos ition in the lef injeras examincd. The results showed that enriched partly fermentedrnred tel' illjeras had remarkable phenol levds (ur to 9.12 GAE/g). The lotal phenol contentsrnlor partly fermented , hilly fermented, and enriched fully fermented red tef injerus we re foundrnlO be g.75. 7.36, and 8.24 mg GAE/g respectively. In brown I.efinjeras. the highest fla vonoidrn,:Oittcnl was noticed in enriched partly fermented ily'era (1.9 mg eEl g).

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Effect Of Processing And Tef Varieties (eragrostis Tef (zucc.)) On The Antioxidant Properties Of Ethiopian Traditional Bread Injera