Nutritional Quality And Acceptability Of Extruded Weaning Foods Based On Peanut Low-tannin Sorghum And Soybeans

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The aim of th i, present study was to produce low cost energy dense and good prote in quali tyrncomplemelllary food with improved micronutrient bioava il abi lity from low tann in sorghum, peanut andrnsoybean using extru sion process ing. The experiment had two levels of treatments: blends I and II. Blend Irnwas composed of sorghum - peanut flours (SP); while blend II had sorghum -soya bean flours (SY). Duringrnformu lation nine compos ite blends were fonned. That is each peanut and soya bean flou rs were added 10rnlow lannin white sorghum at levels of 0%,10%,15%,20%, and 40% respecti vely and submitted 10rneX lrusion cooking The blends were extruded using twin screw extruder(Model Clextral , BC-21 Nllrn194,Firminy.France ) at 15% moisture content, 120'C barrel temperature and at the screw speed of 150rpmrnfitted with 9mm die nozzle diameter. The result ing extrudates were analyzed for proximate, mi nera lrn(ca lcium, iron ,zinc and phosphorous) composition , anti -nutrients (phytate and condensed tannin conten!)rnJ uncti onal characteri stics .The bioava ilabil ity of mineral s( molar ratio of ca lcium, Iron ,and zinc) andrnsensory properties(color, taste, aroma, texture and overa ll acceptability) were also detcrmined. Th,:rnevaluated funct ional characteristics were water and oil absorpti on capac ity, bulk density, viscos il) .rne xpa nsion ratio and spec ific length . With the increase in the level of peanut and soya bean the results orrnproximate , mineral composition and functional properties showed sign ificant(P

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Nutritional Quality And Acceptability Of Extruded Weaning Foods Based On Peanut Low-tannin Sorghum And Soybeans