Comparison Of Nutritional And Sensory Quality Of Vegetables Grown On Aquaponics Technology And Conventional Produces

Food And Nutritional Sciences Project Topics

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Aquaponics is one of a sustainable and alternative food production sector that integratesrnaquaCUlture with hydroponics. It is an part of aquaculture that uses the naturalrninteraction between bacteria, fish and plants to change waste into clean water. Compared to soilbasedrnagriculture and aquaculture production methods, aquaponics has many benefits includingrnre-use of the wastewater from the growing fish, production of two commodities from a singlernsystem and expanded food production by urban residents. For the sustainability of aquaponics,rnthe nutritional and sensory quality of the produces should be equivalent or better than thernconventional produces. Thus, this study was aimed to compare the nutritional quality andrncustomer preference of lettuce (Lacnlca sativa L.) and kale (Brassica carinata) grown onrnaquaponic system with that of conventionally grown in soil-based system. Proximaterncomposition of lettuce and kale was determined using standard methods of AOAC and mineralrncontent was determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emision Spectroscopy. Sensoryrntest was also determined by using discriminatory, preference and rating acceptance test methods.rnAccordingly, the aquaponic lettuce from Shewa Robit site had a significant (p

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Comparison Of Nutritional And Sensory Quality Of Vegetables Grown On Aquaponics Technology And Conventional Produces