Proximate Composition And Levels Of Essentialtoxic Metals In Chicken Meat Raised Around Industrial Area In Ethiopia

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The ge nera l trend of poul try prod uction and consumpti on has been steadily in creasi ng globally inrnrece nt because of its benefi t to consumers' hea lth from chicken meat and eggs The o bjecti ve o frnthi s study was to determine proximate composition and levels of some se lected essenti al meta lsrn(Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, Co, & Ni) and tox ic heavy meta ls (As, Pb, Hg, and Cd,) of chi ckens rai sedrna round Akak i, Bishofitu and Modjo industry areas, Ethiop ia. Purposefu lly 5 hens 11'om loca lrnmarkets of each ind ustry area which were cu lt ivated in a trad itional way were purchased andrnused for the study purpose. Parts of chest and thi gh were used for prox imate analys is and pa rts ofrnli ver, th igh and chest were used for essential and tox ic meta ls analysis pu rposes. Prox imaternanalys is was done us ing AOAC (2000) us ing o ffi c ial method s. Wet d igestion technique tornextract heavy metals from sam ple was used and metals analys is was carried out us ing inducti velyrncoup led plasma opti ca l emi ssion spectroscopy. Res ults of prox imate composition of chest andrnth igh samrles coll ected from indu stry a reas a re summarized as, Prote in 22.49, 2 1.97; Moisturern72.23, 70.50 Fat 1. 14, 1.24, ash 1. 11 , 1.13 res pecti ve ly. These resul ts were found be ingrncomparable with li teratures reviewed. The results of mean concen trations of metals from studiedrnparts of industry areas of li ver, th igh and chest samples (mg/Kg) ranged ; Zn 24.04- 134.53 , Curn2.90-9.24 Mn 1.40-8.64 , Cr 4.44 - 4.75, Co ND - 0.02, Ni 3.23 - 4.48 As 0. 11 - 0.33, Cd 0.0 I -rn0.98, Pb 0.02 - 0. 16, Hg 0.05 - 0.09. The results of the mean concentrations o f those essenti al andrntox ic meta ls were compared aga in st permiss ible limi ts of each trace metal set by intern at ionalrnstand ard s; Cu from a ll studi ed sample parts; Zn from liver of Akaki , Cd from liver samples ofrnAkaki and Bisho fitu. Mean va lues of Mn, Cr and Ni from a ll sample parts were found to bernhigher than th eir respect ive pe rmi ss ible limits. Whereas all oth er trace metals other than Co,rnwhose permiss ible limit is not mentioned in World health organi zation standard were found tornhave mean concen trat ions below than their permi ss ible limits. Though essenti a l meta ls a rernimportant for human life in va rious ways excessive and prolonged exposures of those tracernmetals may im pose health ri sks to the community. Respiratory problems, increased risk of lungrncance r, ne uro logica l defic itS, developmental defic its in c hild ren and in creased blood pressure arernhealth ri sks due to Ni expos ures. Neurological di sorde rs similar to Parki nson 's di sease mayrnresult due to excessive Mn exposure. Simil a rly in hib ition lead ing to Wilson's diseases after longrntime Cu ex posure arId, skin rashes, stomach ul cer, kid l'i'ey, li ver damages, lung cancer andultim ate death due to pro longed higher Cr ex posures. The result also indi cated th at chi ckens ofrnli ver samples from Akaki and Bishofitu industry areas were found with much hi gher Cdrnconcentrations (I.08±O.36mg/kg, and 1.45±O.68mglkg respect ively) re necting th e environmentrnis polluted with Cd. Higher leve l Cd exposures might cau se hea lth impacts such as hypertension,rneleva ted blood pressure. renal dysfun ction, acute and chronic pu lmonary dysfun ct ions to therncommunity.rnTak ing the hea lth ri sks due to envi ronmental pollutions around indu stry areas into account.rnchicken meat that contai ns good nutrit ional values li ke protein s, fat, and essenti al minerals suchrnas zinc, can al so be used to alleviate poverty for the country.rnKey words: Chicken meal, proximale cOll1posilion and Essenlia/IToxic melal.I·, Environmenlairnpollulion.

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Proximate Composition And Levels Of Essentialtoxic Metals In Chicken Meat Raised Around Industrial Area In Ethiopia