Association Of Water Sanitation And Hygiene With Diarrhea And Stunting Of Young Children Urban Slums Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Children who are living in slum areas exposed to poor environmental conditions (Poor water, sanitation and Hygiene), this will lead children to exposed for recurrent clinical and sub-clinical infections and chronic undernutrition. This study intended to identify the link between Water, Sanitation and Hygiene conditions and stunting in Addis Ababa Slum areas. rnMethod: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted on 711 children aged from 6-23 months from January 15 to February 30,2020. A multistage cluster sampling method was employed to select study participants. A structured questionnaire, observational checklist and anthropometric measurements were taken to collect data. Data were entered in to epi-data version 3.5.1 and height-for-age was transformed in to Z-Score with ENA-SMAR software. Data were then exported in to SPSS version 24 for descriptive and binary logistic regression analysis. The significance of association was declared < 0.05 with 95% confidence interval. rnResult: The study found the prevalence of diarrhea 23.3% (95%CI 20.3-26.6 and stunting 15.9% (95% CI 13.4-18.8). Households with pit latrine without slab (AOR 1.54; 95%CI 1.04-2.28) and households who don’t treat water at point of use (AOR 1.51 95%CI 1.04-2.19) were significantly associated with diarrhea. Age of a child 12-23 months (AOR 3.63; 95%CI 2.23-5.93), sex of child (AOR 1.72; 95%CI 1.13-2.64) and maternal education (AOR 1.93; 95%CI 1.14-3.26) were associated with childhood stunting. rnConclusion: This study confers diarrhea was determined by pit latrine without slab and utilization of untreated water at the point of use. Child age, sex and maternal educational levels are positive predictors of stunting.

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Association Of Water Sanitation And Hygiene With Diarrhea And Stunting Of Young Children Urban Slums Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia