Effect Of Traditional Processing Methods On Nutritional Composition And Anti-nutritional Factors Of Anchote (coccinia Abyssinica (lam.) Cogn) Grown In Western Ethiopia

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School WaSH survey IVas carried oul in the primQly schools of Assossa woreda, BGRS, Elhiopia. IIrnwas intended 10 assess (he situation and effectiveness of woler supply and sanitation facilities inrnschools, hygiene aIVarelless of leachers, hygiene knolVledge and praclice of sludents andrnoUlreaching families. The sludy employed muli-slage sampling melhod and accordingly, 16 schoolsrnwere selecled Fom Ihe Woreda(35% of Ihe schools) for facililY silualion analysis, and of IVhichrnIhree schools were selecled for in-deplh sludy by draIVing sampled sludenls Fom grades 4''', 6'" andrn8'h (lO%Fom each grade). Aboul 64 leachers (20% of leachers in all sampled schools) and 166rnsludenls (54.2% of girls) IVere considered for in-deplh ' survey. DOlO were collecled byrnquestionnaire, interview, FGD and observation. The dOlO were analyzed by employing statisticalrnmelhods and sofiware (S1'SS) along IVilh Ihe chi-square lesl.rnMore Ihan 56% oflhe schools did nol have access 10 IVa IeI' wilhinlheir compound. AbouI56.3% ofrnIhe schools were nol able 10 gel waleI' all of Ihe limes and 38% of Ihe schools Ihal were /Ising Iheirrnwater for drinking pU/pose were getting their water mainly /rol1l unprotected sOllrces. Almost allrnrural schools (68.7%) were using unprolecled waleI' sources (p

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Effect Of Traditional Processing Methods On Nutritional Composition And Anti-nutritional Factors Of Anchote (coccinia Abyssinica (lam.) Cogn) Grown In Western Ethiopia