Assessment Of Acrylamide Levels In Coffee Powder Potato Chips And French Fries In Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Acrylamide is a processing contaminant with genotox ic and carc inogen ic properties and it isrnform ed in food when free asparagine reacts with reduc in g sugars at high temperature. Thernpresent study was des igned to eva luate the levels of acrylamide in three commercial heatrnprocessed foods (roasted coffee powder, potato chips and French fries) co llected from thernmarket in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A total of90 samples were studied for their acrylamide levelsrnus ing high performance liquid chromatography with a diode array detector. The acry lamidernlevels obtai ned ranged from 134.56 ~lglkg to 1138.86 ~lglk g in roasted coffee (n=30), fromrn2 11 .09 ~l glk g to 35 14.60 ~lglkg in potato chips (n=30) and from 35.66 ~l g/kg to 1410. 75 ~glkgrnin French fr ies (n=3 0). 43% of the coffee (n= 13), 57% of the potato chips (n= 17) and 40% ofrnthe French fries samples (n= 12) showed acry lamide leve ls higher than the maximum va luernrecommended by the European Commiss ion. Eth iopia is the largest coffee consuming countryrnin Africa and one of the biggest in the world. Nearly half of the coffee collected from AddisrnAbaba contained levels beyond the European Commission recommended value. The highrnlevels of ac rylamide obta ined in the present study call for actions when considering largernconsumptions. These high leve ls ofacrylamide a long with the significantly la rge consumptionrnhistory make it diffi cult to consider health ri sks associated with acrylamicic to be low. Arnknowledge assessment of French fries producin g street vendors (n=30) indicated a huge gap inrninformat ion as none of the interviewed producers knew about acrylamide, its formation, healthrnimpacts or food s susceptible to its fo rmat ion.rnKeywords: Acrylam ide; Mail lard Reaction; Coffee; Potato Chi ps; French Fries; Carc inogen

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Assessment Of Acrylamide Levels In Coffee Powder Potato Chips And French Fries In Addis Ababa Ethiopia