Assessment Of Leaching Of Sdeded Toxic Metals In Some Pottery Processed Foods

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Raw materials from uni nspected sources used for making of cooking utensils could be a potentialrnsou rce for high tox ic metal in food prepared in these utensils. Therefore, in the present work, thernlevel of selected meta ls (Pb, Cd, and AI) in clay pots was determi ned. The clay pots werernobta ined from two sites kechene and legeberi Ihe areas are selecled because of the raw materialsrnused to make them were brought from suspected places for metal contaminat ion. In addition,rnleaching of those metals in some foods (bean stew, tomato sauce and coffee) prepared us ingrnthese materials were investigated. Furthermore, factors that can influ ence metal leaching likernfrequent usage of the pots were also studied. Clay pots were crushed while the food and coffeernsamples were lyophilized and digested in a closed microwave digestion system. The levels ofrnmeta ls were determined using flame atom ic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS). The resultsrnshowed that level of metals in clay pot from legeberi were Pb (26.7±0.0 mg/kg), Cd (S.6±0. 1rnmg/kg) and AI (38.74±0.7 mg/kg) and clay pot from kechene had Pb content (0.6±OJ mg/kg),rnCd (0.3±0.0 mg/kg) and AI (8.92±0.3 mg/kg). In addi tion, the level of metals leaching in foodrnsamples prepared using clay pots from legeberi showed tomato sauce Pb in range (from 9.6±0.0rnmg/kg to 13+0.0 mg/kg). Cd (from O.S±O.O mg/kg to 1.2±0.0 mg/kg) and AI (from 1 t.S3±OArnmg/kg to 1504 ±OJ). The bean stew prepared usi ng clay pots from /egeberi had Pb in the rangern(fromI.2±0.0 mg/kg to 3.3±0.0 mg/kg), Cd (from 0.14 ±O.O mg/kg to OJ8 ±O.O mg/kg) and AIrn(from I 0.8±0.2 mg/kg to 13.5 ±0.3 mg/kg), whereas the coffee samples brewed in coffee potrnfrom legeberi showed Pb in range (from I.6±0.0 mg/kg to 3.9±0.0 mg/kg), Cd (from 0.18 ±O.Ornmg/kg to 0.34 ±O.O mg/kg) and AI (from 1.9±0.0 mg/kg to 3.8 ±O. I mg/kg). However. Pb and Cdrnwere not detected in any of the food prepared using clay pot from kechene . The level of AI inrnfood samples prepared in clay pot from kechene was tomato sauce in range (from I O.S±O.S mg/kgrnto 11.3±0.6 mg/kg), bean stew (fromI 0. 1±0.3 mg/kg to 10A±OA mg/kg) and coffeern(from t. 1±0.0 mg/kg to 2.1 ±O.O mg/kg). Results of the present in vestigation ind icates that metalrn(Pb, Cd and AI) content of clay pot from /egeberi was signiticantly higher (p

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Assessment Of Leaching Of Sdeded Toxic Metals In Some Pottery Processed Foods