Physicochemical Characteristics And Shelf Life Stability Of Soya Bean Oil-based Shortening

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Fats and o ils enh ance the foods we eat by prov iding textu re and mouth fee l, impa rting fl avo r,rnand contri but ing to the feeling of sat iety after eatin g. Most edible o ils have limited appl icat ionrnin food products in the origin al form. I-Ience, modifi cation techniques are appli ed to extendrnand increase the ir use in food fo rmu lations. Shorten ing is a fat product that incorporatesrntenderness in the food (e.g .. bakery products) in whi ch it is used. Pa lm stearin is theoretica llyrna potential to be used as raw mater ia l for shortening manu facturing beca use of itsrntriacylg lycero ls composition . T he restr icti on of some relig ions and beliefs and a lso lim itedrnsupply of animal shortenin g, e fforts have been made to develop the tech nology to substituternan imal fat with vegetab le fat. The a im of this study was to develop se misolid fatsrn(sho rtening) li·om soybean oi l and palm stearin formu lations. It was prod uced by formu lat ingrna blend, so lid ifying a nd plasti ciz ing the bl e nd, and packing the fina l shortening prod uct.rnPh ys icochemica l property and stabi lity of the processed shorten ing were determined andrnhomemade cookies were prepared for sensory acceptability test. Stab ility tests of thernprocessed shortening were determin ed for 6-months every two months interva l. Three types ofrnvegetab le shortening "ere tested: (i) shorteni ng with 60% palm stearin (S60), shortening withrn70% palm stearin (S70) and (ii i) commercial shorten ing (e). The results obtai ned from thisrnwork showed that th ~ ac id ity, peroxide va lue and fi·ee fatty ac id va lues were inc reased withrnstorage tim e and stl ,rage temperatu re. The phys icochemical prope rties of the samples werernwithin the r~qu ire m ents o rthe food doma in exce pt commerc ia l shortening at 6-month storage.rnThe samples stored at 37 °C exhibi ted the highest ac id. pe roxide. and li·ee fatty acid va luesrnthroughout sto rage ti me. In conclus ion . shortening produced from 60% pa lm stea rin (S60) a ndrnsto red at room temperat ure has shown a good phys icochem ica l characteri st ic a nd wel lrnaccepted lo r din"ren t .,e nsory attributes.

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Physicochemical Characteristics And Shelf Life Stability Of Soya Bean Oil-based Shortening