Nutrient Density And Energy Relation Of Selected Traditional Weaning Foods In Three Food Insecured Kebeles Of Demba Gofa Woreda Southern Ethiopia

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Types, preparation, ingredient proportions, JYCF practices and Nutrient composilions ofrncommonly used traditional weaning Joods in three kebeles (Dakisho Subo, Vba Phizgo andrnFalka Tsaw'lye) were studied. Data were collected using structured questionnaire ji'om mothersrnwith children older than 6 months but younger than 24 months and evaluated Jor its nutrientrncomponents using standard procedures. Gruels prepared Jrom cereal flour were the first Joodsrnintroduced to children in Ihe kebeles and analysis results showed that, Crude protein was rangedrnji-om 145 - 4. 27g1100 g with the crude Jat ranged ji-om 1.49 - 3.69g1100 g. The ash con/en/rnranged ji-om 1.63 - 3.20g1100 g with the fiber content ranged ji-om 2.37 - 5.27g.·1UUg. Therncarbohydrate and gross energy contents were ranged Jrom 85.64-90.23gIJ OOg and 379.87-rn396.85kcaI1100g. Minerals calcium, iron and zinc contents rangedJrom 41.43 - J48.85mgl 100g;rn24.80 - 39.95mg1100g and 0. 74 -. 2. 76mgl JOOg respectively. Antinutritional fe/ctor.l. PhylUlesrnrangedJrom 23 7.94 - 299.70mg1100g and Tannins rangedji-om 33.92 - 81 .69mgl 1UUg Therernwas low protein intake by children in the kebeles since their weaning Joods were mainly basedrnon cereals with no other supplementation.rnGermination and roasting were used Jor the preparation oJJormulated IVeaning foods /;'om lowrncost locally uvailable ingredients and the nutrient compositions were analysed fiJI' prOleirlrnrangedji-om JO.8 / - 15.8/g1100g with theJat content were rangedji-om 1 . ./8 - ./03g. /()II~ Thernash content rangedji-om 2.28 - 2. 57gl JOOg with the fiber content rangedji-om 1.96 - ./.U.JgI10UgrnThe carbohydrate and gross energy contents were rangedJrom 75.92- 81. 61g1100g and 381.08-rn403. 19kca/1100g. Minera/s; calcium, iron and zinc ranged ji-om 15.38 - 56. 611/1g11 OOg. fi.oO -rn17. 87mgll OOg and 1.72 - 5.1 8mgl1 OOg respectively. Antinutritional Jactors: Phylic acid rangedrnji-om 191.61 - 269. 75mgl 100g and tannin ranged Jrom 12.55 - 4145mg1100g. The senSf)/Yrnacceptance tastes Jor Jormulated weaningJoods showed that panelists scored lik(~ moderately 10rnlike velY much in all allributes and the protein contents a/so were higher than rradilionalrnweaningJoods. ThereJore all (he blends can be used as alternalives to (he 'veaning./oods in Ihernkebeles as well as in lhe Woreda 10 improve the nutritional SIC/tus oJchildren and help ro IOcklernmalnulrition.

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Nutrient Density And Energy Relation Of Selected Traditional Weaning Foods In Three Food Insecured Kebeles Of Demba Gofa Woreda Southern Ethiopia