Effect Of Germination And Fermentation On Microflora Sensory Characteristics And Energy Density Of Fermented Low Tannin Sorghumchickpea Blended Porridge As Complementary Food

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NlIIrilional composition, microbiology and sensO/y characteristics oj' germinated andrnfermented low lannin sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) variety ("teshole ") andrnkabuli chickpea (Cicer arielinum L.,) variety ("harbu ' ) blend were invesligated.rnTraditional processing (germinat ion and jimnel1lation) methods were observed to berneffective in reducing antimllritional facto rs. Siondard Methods o/AOAC were usedforrnanalysis o/nlltritionol compositions. Porridf!,el lI'ae evaluated/ur their acceptobilitv testrnusing a nine poinl hedonic scale. Tvlal p/ole ('ollnl (lnd IOe/ic acid baclerial cOllnl Irerernenumerated using Plate Count Agar and MRS ogCt/; re.sjJectively Fermentation for -18rnhours reduced the tOlal baclerial count from I 57 to 3. 1610gcjil/m by reducing the pH tornthe level of

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Effect Of Germination And Fermentation On Microflora Sensory Characteristics And Energy Density Of Fermented Low Tannin Sorghumchickpea Blended Porridge As Complementary Food