T1'.€' pape r is or gan ized i nto six chapte rs . The f irs trnand t he second chapters ~eal wi t h i n troduct ory discussionsrnlike spe cifi c obj e ctives, justi f ication and r a t ionale ,rndata sources and methodo l ogy and revi ew of relat ed literature.rnThe third, fourth and fif th chap t ers are analys is of s urfacernwind speed and dir ection, tempe rat ur e and r a infa ll patt e rnsrnwhe re as the sixth chapter is a summary of the findings andrnrecommenda tio ns.rnTre paper discusses the three climatic elements o f winds,rnt empe r ature and r a infall at t h ree stations in Addis ~ ~a b a .rnThe decadal, mont hly and seascnal vRriations of these e l ementsrna t t he t hr ee sta ticns are examine d . Some te chniques ofrnti~e s eri es analysis have been employed to see so~e identifiablerntr ends cf t he three climatic e l ements over ti me .