Ecological Studies Of Plantations In Some Parts Of Ethiopia With Special Regard To Ecological Effects Of The Use Of Eucalyptus Spp.

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Ethiopia has a long trad ition of es ta blishing planl31ion trees. EllcalYPlllS plantatio ns.rnespecially. ha ve been developed in Ih is country si n ce Ihe beginning of th is ce ntu r y. Thisrnstud y presents inf ormati on on thc undergrowth vegc tatio n cha ra cte ri s ti cs. soil co ndit io nsrnl nd nutrient cycling in established plantati o ns and n:ltural fo rests in Ethi opia. combinedrnwith bioassays o f ge rmin atio n, g rowth a nd nutri ent uptake o f pla n ts.rnVegctat ion and environmen tal dlt3 we rc collec ted fr om ninet y-two p l::tnt3ti on and naturalrnfo rest sites in wC51. nonh-cast. sou th. lnd ccn n31 regions of Ethio pia. Fou r permanent pl o tsrnwerc cSllblishcd in three planl:lIion lnd l n:lIur:.ll mo nl:lnc forest stands fo r long termrn3ssessments of nutrient cycling 3nd soi l fertility. So ils collected f rom under plant3tions andrn3 n3 tu ell f o rcs!, a nd aqueous 1e3 f e:

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Ecological Studies Of Plantations In Some Parts Of Ethiopia  With Special Regard To Ecological Effects Of The Use Of Eucalyptus Spp.