Enset- Based Agrobiodiversity In The Agricultural Landscape Of Kambatta Tembaro (kt) Southern Ethiopia

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The managem~nt of agrobiodiversity (AB) by farmers buttresses sustainable food securityrnand continuous ecosystem services against the predicted future global environmentalrnchange. However, the loss of traditional knowledge on local landraces. and breeds,rninadequate information on AB distribution, and the focus on improved varieties arernbecoming threats for the long-term conservation of AB. The current study focuses onrnagrobiodiversity of enset- based agricultural landscape of KT, southern Ethiopia. Thernagroclimate of the areas was used for selecting a total of 12 study sites (farmscapes). Tornunderstand the roles of the socio-economic conditions on AB, 180 households (HHs)rnwere selected based on the wealt~ status. Environmental data such as slope and elevationrnwere recorded for each sampling sites. The area share of the crop as well as woodyrnspecies was measured, and the species were inventoried. Standard ethnobotanicalrnmethods were used to collect information on the uses of these plant species. The datarnanalyses were carried out by Cr4NOCO for Windows ver. 4.52, R program 2.14.0,rnMinitab ver 15, and SAS ver. 8.02.rnrnA total of 371 plant species were recorded whereby crop ' are 92 and woody pecie arern186. A total of 170 medicinal plant species that are helpful in the primary health care ofrnthe human and the livestock are reported. Seventeen plant species endemic to Ethiopiarnwere identified, of which thirteen are medicinal plants. Years of farming, livestockrnholding, and distance to market influenced the number of crop species significantly.rnThere are 111 landraces of enset (Ensete ventricosum) recorded from the study area. Thernnumber of landraces increases with increase in the farmland size and the elevation. Thernslope, age of farmland, area of the woodlot, and available HH labour influence thernwoody species richness. One exotic tree species, Eucalyptus camaldulensis was identifiedrnas the most important woody species. Finally, it is recommendable to train extensionrnagents on the areas of AB maintenance so that they would assist farmers effectively.rnMoreover, avoiding extensive plaptation of Eucalyptus on crop fields may contribute tornthe long-term persistence of AB of the study area.

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Enset- Based Agrobiodiversity In The Agricultural Landscape Of Kambatta Tembaro (kt) Southern Ethiopia