The Diversity and Productivity of benthic mac ofaunarnaround the shallow waters of Tewalit (1assawa ) . ere inves -rnti ated at three sta ions from October 28,1986 to Aprilrn14 , 1987 . Eight major groups and SO taxa were encountered .rnPolychaetes with 23 taxa were the most diverse group followedrnby gastropods with 8 tax a , and crustaceans with 6 taxa .rnPhysical and chemical paramete~s show no significantrnvariation and r egulatory effect over the distribution andrnabundance of the taxa . The taxa indicate a hirrh speciesrndiversity , biomass diversity and equitability . There isrnsignificant variation in s i milarity indices , but no varl a tionrnin species composition among the stations . Productivityrnis estimated to be lO . lGg/rn2 . This with mean biomass 6 . g/rnm2 resulted in a turnover rate (P:B ratio) of 1 . 5 .