They Population Status Of African Elephant (loxodonta Africana Blumenbach 1797) In Chebera Churchura National Park Ethiopia

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A study on the history and status of lhc population of African elephant (Loxodon/a a!riclllla)rnand human-elephant conflict in Chcbera-Churchura National Park was conducted from Julyrn2005 to March 2006. TI1is study was aimed to fill infonnalion gap on the population status ofrnthe elephants of the south western mid-altitude fore st in the country. Data on the populationrnhistory, seasonal movement and distribution and the human-elephant interactions in the arearnwere collected based on the questionnaire survey and field observations. The population sizern,and abundance of elephants in the area was detennined from dung counts survey. The dungrndensity was detcnnined based on line transect survey and a total of 45 transects with a lengthrnof 68.3 km were surveyed within high and medium density strata. The age and sex structurernof elephants were categorized based on the body size comparison, footprint measurementsrnand bolus circumference measurements.rnThe history of the elephant population of the area appeared to have started within the lastrnthree decades when it was seen for the first time in the area. The elephant population came tornthe area from the side of Omo National Park. The population has been increasing in size andrnextent of distribution since the late 1990s to cover the present study area and itsrnsurroundings. However, following an intensive poaching and habitat degradation due tornhuman activities since the transitional government, they are confined to two localities inrn,rnCCNP. The elephant population has two groups locali zed in the northern and the westernrnparts of the Park within 250 km2 area. The elephant popUlation has extended wet seasonrnhome range that was detem1ined by habitat and human factors.rnThe population size of the elephants was estimated to be 85 (± 24) with a density of 0.007rnelephantslkm2. Defecation and dung decay rates were 16.57 (± 2.044) droppings/ elephant!rnday and 0.01 33 (± 0.001 7) droppings/day respectively. The elephant population wasrnexpressed as young and growing population, but with less number of juveniles and ca lves,rnmight be due to mortality and/or reproductive pressure from elephant density or humanrnfactors. The more skewed sex ratio in favor of females (I :2) and less number of males abovern20 years of age were probably due to selective poaching for adult males with relatively largerrn''tusk.rnixrn"rnThe human clephant conflict was associated with the size and distribution of the elephantrnpopulation, commonly distributed before onc and half decades ago. The impact of elephantsrnon the surrou nding communities was local ized to four vill ages (20% of the boundary line).rnHowever, habitat loss and killing of elephants by human activities continued till the present.rnThese findings of the study are important in making management decisions and are basernlines for future monitoring of elephants of the area.

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They Population Status Of African Elephant (loxodonta Africana Blumenbach 1797) In Chebera Churchura National Park Ethiopia