Seismic Waveform Analysis From The Quarry Blast Records Around Addis Ababa

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The seismic wave generated at the quarry blasts in the area of investigation arerndetected and recorded by the Furi broadband seismic station. The seismic recordsrnprovide the wave patterns of signi ficant amplitudes and frequency contents that canrnbe used for the study of di fferent seismic and elastic parameters that characterize therntypes ofrock fonnat ions.rnThis study is carried out to determ ine the relation ships among the amplitudes,rnfrequencies, charge size, epi-central di stance, depths of explosion and finallyrncompute the body wave velocities (V, and Vs), velocity ratio (VpNs) and thernPoisson's ratio (v ) from the path X, traversed by the seismic waves and the delayrntimes 61 found from the observed arrival times and origin times.rnBoth the computed velocity ratio (V"Ns = 1.76) and the Poisson's ratio (v = 0.26)rnfor the rock formation in the area approach the condition of Poi sson's re lation (v =rn•rn0.25, VPNS =1.732 and KJ~ = 1.67). These results possibly describe the similar ityrnof fractures in the whole rock formations in the area.

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Seismic Waveform Analysis From The Quarry Blast Records Around Addis Ababa