Landslide Hazard Vulnerability And Risk Assessment Using Gis And Remote Sensing The Case Of Gozamin District Northcentral Ethiopia

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Landslide is the downslope movement of rock, organic materials, and soil which consists of rock topples, rock falls, earth or debris flows that involve shear displacement along with one or several slip surfaces, which are either visible or may be reasonably inferred under the consequence of gravity. This reason, the study about the hazard, vulnerability, and risk of landslides is very important to reduce the destruction and damages of properties and death of life. This study was mapping the hazard by using the information value method, vulnerability by using weighted linear combination method, and risk zones by the product of vulnerability and hazard of Gozamin district by using ten (10) causative factors which are elevation, slope, aspect, rainfall, land use land cover, soil type, lithology, NDVI, distance from rivers (streams) and distance from the road that trigger a landslide. These causative factors are combined with a landslide inventory map, a map that shows previous landslide distribution. The Landslide hazard zonation (LHZ) shows 17(29.31%) of landslide lies under very highly susceptible region followed by 29(50%) in high, 12(20.69%) of the landslides were in moderate from the total of 58 landslides that occurred in the previous validated by overlaying the hazard map on landslide inventory map. Vulnerability and risk maps also showed that areas that have landslides in previous fall under very high, high, and moderate classes. Furthermore, the study was mapping the surface displacement of the study area due to landslides through using time series analysis of persistent scatterer interferometry (PS-InSAR). The result indicated that there was 16.9 mm displacement along the line of sight of the satellite and -12.2mm in the opposite direction of the satellite line of sight and the result indicates that the landslide is active. Based on the result the concerned governmental organizations and institutions should implement rehabilitation and preventive methods to protect damage.

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Landslide Hazard Vulnerability And Risk Assessment Using Gis And Remote Sensing The Case Of Gozamin District Northcentral Ethiopia