The main objective of the study are characterization and classification of soils andrnidentification of the soil management practices and their implications to so il degradation inrnTu lube catchment, lII ubabor Highlands. Data on so il characteristics and classificat ion wererncol lected under fie ld and laboratory procedu res. Aerial photo interpretations and fie ldrnobservations and mapping were used to obtain the land uselland cover of the study area.rnHaplic, Rhodic, and Haplic Nitisols; Dystric Cambisols, Gleyic Aliso ls, GleyicrnLuviso ls and Umbric Gleyiso ls are identified in the study area. These so ils in genera l, werernmarked by extremely to strongly acidic soi I reacti on, low to moderate BS, low tornintermediate/medium CEC as well as low avai lable P. The wetland so ils in the studyrncatchment showed G leyic propert ies as they are saturated for prolonged period.rnFarmers revealed that they use a combination of the traditional and modern practicesrnof so il management. Each of these groups of practices has its own potentials and drawbacks.rnThe humid cl imatic cond itions, the gradual rise in demographic and soc io-economicrnpressures, etc. lecl to the reduction in the so il fertility and product ivity.rnThe low pH and low BS as well as the availab le P fixation (to an unavai lable form torngrowi ng plant roots) demand careful so il amendment so that so il product ivity could bernmainta ined to a better end. Unless such measures, the so ils in the study area are prone torndeteriorati on in the bio-chemical proper1ies that would fur1her led to degradati on in the restrnof the properties in the soils.