Application Of Integreated Geophysical Methods For Theevaluanon Of Thermal Centers And Their Structuralcontrol In Bokunazareth Main Ethiopian Rift

Geophysics, Space Science And Astronomy(igssa) Project Topics

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Geophysical methods provide the tools for solving various geological problems. In therncase of this work, vertical electrical sounding (YES) and magnetic methods are carriedrnout in the vicinity of Lake Beseka. The site is situated at about 200 km east of AddisrnAbaba near the town of Methahara. The study is performed in connection with M.SCrnresearch training to appreciate the effectiveness of the methods used and on the one handrnit contributes additional data to obtain the subsurface information that has beenrncontributing to the Jake level rise.rnThe variation of resistivity with depth is studied by a progressive increase of thernSchlumberger current electrode configuration using P ASI -16GL earth resistivity meterrnand PASI-P300 energizer. In order to get a reasonable subsurfuce information, thernapparent resistivity curve plotted in the field had been compared with a set ofrntheoretically calculated master curves. The layer parameters, resistivity and thickness,rnobtained by iteration processes were used to construct geoelectric sections for eachrnprofile to show different lithological units in the vertical direction.rnIn addition to YES, the magnetic survey was carried out using scintrex made protonrnprecession magnetometer (lGS-MP-3/4) and monitored with a selected base station forrndiurnal correction. The magnetic survey is applied to delineate subsurface structuresrn(fuultS/shear zones), which have been created due to the tectonic activities taking place inrnthe area. As shown from the total field magnetic map (fig. 19), the northwestern part ofrnthe lake is characterized by exposed or shallow depth volcanic rocks. But the northeasternrnpart of the Jake is generally seems to be magnetically quite. The NNW and SSE inferredrnfault may intersect the NNE--SSW trending fault through which the thermal springsrnapparent in the area may come to the surface.rnThe results of the Vertical electrical sounding surveys show that the resistivity of therndifferent acquifer systems is low in the vicinity of the Jake and increases away because ofrnthe intrusion of the saline lake water. It has been found that no input of water to the lakernis possible from the adjacent farmJands, as the water table gets deeper as one goes awayrnfrom the lake.

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Application Of Integreated Geophysical Methods For Theevaluanon Of Thermal Centers And Their Structuralcontrol  In Bokunazareth Main Ethiopian Rift